Lesson 160
I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.
- fear [fíər] : 「恐れ、恐怖、心配、不安」
- stranger [stréindʒər] : 「見知らぬ人、よそ者、他人」
1. Fear is a stranger to the ways of love. Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself.
- way [wéi] : 「方法、やり方、手段、様式」
- identify [aidéntəfài] : 「 〜を同一に扱う、同定する」
And thus you are unknown to you. What is your Self remains an alien to the part of you which thinks that it is real, but different from yourself.
- unknown [ʌnnóun] : 「知られていない」
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
- alien [éiljən] : 「異邦人、よそ者」
- different [dífərənt] : 「相違する、異なる」
Who could be sane in such a circumstance? Who but a madman could believe he is what he is not, and judge against himself?
- sane [séin] : 「正気の、分別ある」
- circumstance [sə́ːrkəmstæ̀ns] : 「環境、状況」
- madman [mǽdmæ̀n] : 「狂人」
- judge [dʒʌ́dʒ] : 「判断する、〜だと思う」
2. There is a stranger in our midst, who comes from an idea so foreign to the truth he speaks a different language, looks upon a world truth does not know, and understands what truth regards as senseless.
- midst [mídst] : 「真ん中、中央」
- foreign [fɔ́ːrən] : 「無縁な、異質な」
- different language : 「異言語」
- regard [riɡάːrd] : 「見なす、思う、考える」
- senseless [sénslis] : 「無分別な、無意味な」
Stranger yet, he does not recognize to whom he comes, and yet maintains his home belongs to him, while he is alien now who is at home.
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、認める」
- maintain [meintéin] : 「断言する、主張する」
- belong [bilɔ́ːŋ] to : 「〜に属する、〜の所有である」
And yet, how easy it would be to say, "This is my home. Here I belong, and will not leave because a madman says I must."
- and yet : 「それなのに、それにもかかわらず」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜から離れる、〜から撤退する」
3. What reason is there for not saying this? What could the reason be except that you had asked this stranger in to take your place, and let you be a stranger to yourself?
- reason [ríːzn] : 「理由、原因、根拠」
- except [iksépt] : 「ただし、除いて」
No one would let himself be dispossessed so needlessly, unless he thought there were another home more suited to his tastes.
- dispossessed [dìspəzést] : 「立ち退かされた、疎外された」
- needlessly [níːdlisli] : 「不必要に」
- unless [ənlés] : 「〜でない限り」
- suit [súːt] : 「合う、適合する」
- taste [téist] : 「好み、嗜好」
4. Who is the stranger? Is it fear or you who are unsuited to the home which God provided for His Son?
- fear [fíər] : 「恐れ、恐怖、心配、不安」
- unsuited [ʌ̀nsúːtid] : 「適さない、不適当な」
- provide [prəváid] : 「供給する、与える」
Is fear His Own, created in His likeness? Is it fear that love completes, and is completed by? There is no home can shelter love and fear.
- likeness [láiknis] : 「似ていること、類似」
- complete [kəmplíːt] : 「仕上げる、〜を完了する」
- shelter [ʃéltər] : 「〜を保護する、避難する」
They cannot coexist. If you are real, then fear must be illusion. And if fear is real, then you do not exist at all.
- coexist [kòuiɡzíst] : 「共存する、同時に存在する」
- exist [iɡzíst] : 「存在する、生きている」
5. How simply, then, the question is resolved. Who fears has but denied himself and said, "I am the stranger here. And so I leave my home to one more like me than myself, and give him all I thought belonged to me."
- simply [símpli] : 「造作なく、たやすく、簡単に」
- resolve [rizάlv] : 「解決する、解消する」
- fear [fíər] : 「恐れる、怖がる」
- deny [dinái] : 「否定する、認めない、信じない」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜から離れる、〜から撤退する」
- belong [bilɔ́ːŋ] to : 「〜に属する、〜の所有である」
Now is he exiled of necessity, not knowing who he is, uncertain of all things but this; that he is not himself, and that his home has been denied to him.
- exile [éɡzail] : 「国外追放する、〜を亡命させる」
- of necessity : 「必要に迫られて、必然的に」
- uncertain [ʌnsə́ːrtn] : 「不確かな、不明確な」
6. What does he search for now? What can he find? A stranger to himself can find no home wherever he may look, for he has made return impossible.
- search [sə́ːrtʃ] : 「探す、探し出す」
- return [ritə́ːrn] : 「回帰、帰ること、帰宅」
His way is lost, except a miracle will search him out and show him that he is no stranger now.
- lost [lɔ́st] : 「loseの過去・過去分詞形」
- except [iksépt] : 「ただし、除いて」
The miracle will come. For in his home his Self remains. It asked no stranger in, and took no alien thought to be Itself.
- remain [riméin] : 「とどまる、残る、残存する」
- alien [éiljən] : 「性質の異なる、異質な」
And It will call Its Own unto Itself in recognition of what is Its Own.
- recognition [rèkəɡníʃən] : 「認識、認証」
7. Who is the stranger? Is he not the one your Self calls not? You are unable now to recognize this stranger in your midst, for you have given him your rightful place.
- unable [ʌ̀néibl] : 「できない」
- midst [mídst] : 「真ん中、中央」
- rightful [ráitfəl] : 「正当な、合法的な」
Yet is your Self as certain of Its Own as God is of His Son. He cannot be confused about creation.
- be certain [sə́ːrtn] of : 「〜を確信している」
- confuse [kənfjúːz] : 「混同する、混乱させる」
- creation [kriéiʃən] : 「創造、創作、創作物、作品」
He is sure of what belongs to Him. No stranger can be interposed between His knowledge and His Son's reality. He does not know of strangers. He is certain of His Son.
- sure [ʃúər] : 「確信して、固く信じている」
- belong [bilɔ́ːŋ] to : 「〜に属する、〜の所有である」
- interpose [ìntərpóuz] : 「間に入る、割り込む」
- between [bitwíːn] A and B: 「AとBとの間に」
8. God's certainty suffices. Who He knows to be His Son belongs where He has set His Son forever. He has answered you who ask, "Who is the stranger?"
- certainty [sə́ːrtnti] : 「確実、確実性」
- suffice [səfáis] : 「十分である」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
Hear His Voice assure you, quietly and sure, that you are not a stranger to your Father, nor is your Creator stranger made to you.
- assure [əʃúər] : 「保証する、断言する、約束する」
- quietly [kwáiətli] : 「静かに、平穏に」
Whom God has joined remain forever one, at home in Him, no stranger to Himself.
- join [dʒɔ́in] : 「交わる、一緒になる、結合する」
- at home : 「くつろいで、気楽に」
9. Today we offer thanks that Christ has come to search the world for what belongs to Him.
- offer [ɔ́fər] : 「差し出す、捧げる、〜を提供する」
His vision sees no strangers, but beholds His Own and joyously unites with them. They see Him as a stranger, for they do not recognize themselves.
- behold [bihóuld] : 「見守る、注視する」
- joyously [dʒɔ́iəsli] : 「喜んで」
- unite with : 「〜と一緒になる、〜と結合する」
Yet as they give Him welcome, they remember. And He leads them gently home again, where they belong.
- welcome [wélkəm] : 「歓迎、歓待」
- remember [rimémbər] : 「〜を覚えている、〜を思い出す」
- lead [líːd] : 「〜を導く、案内する、連れて行く」
- gently [dʒéntli] : 「親切に、優しく、穏やかに」
10. Not one does Christ forget. Not one He fails to give you to remember, that your home may be complete and perfect as it was established.
- forget [fərɡét] : 「〜を忘れる」
- fail [féil] : 「失敗する、しくじる」
- complete [kəmplíːt] : 「全部そろった、完全な」
- perfect [pə́ːrfikt] : 「完全な、完璧な」
- establish [istǽbliʃ] : 「確立する、成立させる」
He has not forgotten you. But you will not remember Him until you look on all as He does.
- forgotten [fərɡάtn] : 「forgetの過去分詞形」
- until [əntíl] : 「〜までは…しない、〜になってやっと」
- look on : 「〜を見る」
Who denies his brother is denying Him, and thus refusing to accept the gift of sight by which his Self is clearly recognized, his home remembered and salvation come.
- deny [dinái] : 「〜を否定する、拒む、拒絶する」
- refuse [rifjúːz] : 「拒む、拒否する、拒絶する」
- accept [æksépt] : 「認める、容認する、受け入れる」
- sight [sáit] : 「視覚、視野、視界、景色」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」