Lesson 188
The peace of God is shining in me now.
- shine [ʃáin] : 「輝く、光る」
1. Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now.
- wait [wéit] for : 「〜を待つ」
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
- cover [kʌ́vər] : 「隠す、ごまかす」
Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. Light is not of the world, yet you who bear the light in you are alien here as well.
- enlightenment [inláitnmənt] : 「悟り、啓発」
- recognition [rèkəɡníʃən] : 「認証、真価を認めること」
- bear [bέər] : 「〜を身につける、持つ、有する」
- alien [éiljən] : 「性質の異なる、異質な」
- as well : 「同様にうまく、おまけに」
The light came with you from your native home, and stayed with you because it is your own.
- native [néitiv] : 「出身の、故郷の」
It is the only thing you bring with you from Him Who is your Source.
- source [sɔ́ːrs] : 「もと、源、起源」
It shines in you because it lights your home, and leads you back to where it came from and you are at home.
- shine [ʃáin] : 「輝く、光る」
- light [láit] : 「〜を明るくする、〜を照らす」
- lead [líːd] : 「〜を導く、案内する、連れて行く」
2. This light can not be lost. Why wait to find it in the future, or believe it has been lost already, or was never there?
- lost [lɔ́st] : 「loseの過去・過去分詞形」
- wait [wéit] : 「待つ」
- in the future [fjúːtʃər] : 「将来は」
- already [ɔːlrédi] : 「すでに」
It can so easily be looked upon that arguments which prove it is not there become ridiculous.
- easily [íːzili] : 「安易に、簡単に」
- look upon : 「〜を見る」
- argument [άːrɡjumənt] : 「議論、討論」
- ridiculous [ridíkjuləs] : 「ばかげた、滑稽な」
Who can deny the presence of what he beholds in him? It is not difficult to look within, for there all vision starts.
- deny [dinái] : 「否定する、認めない」
- presence [prézns] : 「存在すること、存在」
- behold [bihóuld] : 「見守る、注視する」
- difficult [dífikʌ̀lt] : 「困難な、難しい」
- within [wiðín] : 「中、内部、内側」
There is no sight, be it of dreams or from a truer Source, that is not but the shadow of the seen through inward vision.
- true [trúː] : 「真の、真実の、本当の」
- shadow [ʃǽdou] : 「影」
- inward [ínwərd] : 「内側の、内部の」
There perception starts, and there it ends. It has no source but this.
- perception [pərsépʃən] : 「知覚、認知、知見、見識」
3. The peace of God is shining in you now, and from your heart extends around the world.
- extend [iksténd] : 「伸びる、広がる」
It pauses to caress each living thing, and leaves a blessing with it that remains forever and forever.
- pause [pɔ́ːz] : 「ちょっと止まる、一息つく」
- caress [kərés] : 「愛撫する、抱擁する」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜を残す、残しておく」
- remain [riméin] : 「とどまる、残る、残存する」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
What it gives must be eternal. It removes all thoughts of the ephemeral and valueless.
- eternal [itə́ːrnl] : 「永遠の、不変の、永久の」
- remove [rimúːv] : 「取り除く、取り去る」
- ephemeral [ifémərəl] : 「つかの間の、はかない」
- valueless [vǽljuːlis] : 「つまらない、価値のない」
It brings renewal to all tired hearts, and lights all vision as it passes by.
- renewal [rinjúːəl] : 「更新、更改、再生」
- pass by : 「過ぎ去る」
All of its gifts are given everyone, and everyone unites in giving thanks to you who give, and you who have received.
- unite [junáit] : 「一体化する、結合する」
4. The shining in your mind reminds the world of what it has forgotten, and the world restores the memory to you as well.
- remind [rimáind] : 「〜に思い出させる、〜に気付かせる」
- remind A of B : 「AにBのことを思い出させる」
- forgotten [fərɡάtn] : 「forgetの過去分詞形」
- restore [ristɔ́ːr] : 「回復させる、修復する、復活させる」
- memory [méməri] : 「記憶、思い出」
From you salvation radiates with gifts beyond all measure, given and returned. To you, the giver of the gift, does God Himself give thanks.
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
- radiate [réidièit] : 「放射する、発する、明るくする」
- beyond [bijάnd] : 「〜の向こうに、〜を越えて」
- measure [méʒər] : 「測定、程度」
- beyond measure : 「測れないほど、極度に」
- return [ritə́ːrn] : 「〜を返す、戻す、返却する」
And in His blessing does the light in you shine brighter, adding to the gifts you have to offer to the world.
- bright [bráit] : 「輝かしい、光っている」
- add [ǽd] : 「加える、付け足す」
- offer [ɔ́fər] : 「差し出す、〜を提供する」
5. The peace of God can never be contained. Who recognizes it within himself must give it.
- contain [kəntéin] : 「封じ込める、抑制する」
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、認める」
- within [wiðín] : 「〜の中に、〜の内側に」
And the means for giving it are in his understanding. He forgives because he recognized the truth in him.
- means [míːnz] : 「手段、方法」
- understanding [ʌ̀ndərstǽndiŋ] : 「理解、把握」
- forgive [fərɡív] : 「許す、容赦する」
The peace of God is shining in you now, and in all living things. In quietness is it acknowledged universally.
- quietness [kwáiətnis] : 「静寂、静けさ」
- acknowledge [æknάlidʒ] : 「認識する、受け入れる」
- universally [jùːnəvə́ːrsəli] : 「普遍的に、広く」
For what your inward vision looks upon is your perception of the universe.
- inward [ínwərd] : 「内部にある、内部の」
- perception [pərsépʃən] : 「知覚、認知」
6. Sit quietly and close your eyes. The light within you is sufficient.
- quietly [kwáiətli] : 「静かに、黙って、平穏に」
- sufficient [səfíʃənt] : 「十分な、満足な、足りる」
It alone has power to give the gift of sight to you. Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within. They know the way.
- alone [əlóun] : 「独りで、ただ〜だけで」
- sight [sáit] : 「視力、視覚、視野、視界」
- exclude [iksklúːd] : 「〜を排除する、締め出す」
- outer [áutər] : 「外側の、外面の」
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考」
- within [wiðín] : 「〜の中の、〜の内側の」
For honest thoughts, untainted by the dream of worldly things outside yourself, become the holy messengers of God Himself.
- honest [άnist] : 「正直な、誠実な、素直な 」
- untainted [ʌ̀ntéintid] : 「汚染されていない」
- worldly [wə́ːrldli] : 「この世の、世俗的な」
- messenger [mésəndʒər] : 「使者、メッセンジャー」
7. These thoughts you think with Him. They recognize their home. And they point surely to their Source, Where God the Father and the Son are One.
- point [pɔ́int] : 「指す、向く」
- surely [ʃúərli] : 「しっかりと、確実に」
- source [sɔ́ːrs] : 「もと、源、起源」
God's peace is shining on them, but they must remain with you as well, for they were born within your mind, as yours was born in God's.
- remain [riméin] : 「とどまる、残る」
- as well : 「同じに、その上」
- born [bɔ́ːrn] : 「生まれる、誕生する」
They lead you back to peace, from where they came but to remind you how you must return.
- lead [líːd] : 「〜を導く、案内する、連れて行く」
- remind [rimáind] : 「〜に思い出させる、〜に気付かせる」
8. They heed your Father's Voice when you refuse to listen.
- heed [híːd] : 「傾聴する、聞き入れる」
- refuse [rifjúːz] : 「拒む、拒否する、拒絶する」
And they urge you gently to accept His Word for what you are, instead of fantasies and shadows.
- urge [ə́ːrdʒ] : 「促す、要請する、勧める」
- instead [instéd] of : 「〜の代わりに」
- fantasy [fǽntəsi] : 「空想、妄想、幻覚」
- shadow [ʃǽdou] : 「影」
They remind you that you are the co-creator of all things that live. For as the peace of God is shining in you, it must shine on them.
- remind [rimáind] : 「〜に思い出させる、〜に気付かせる」
- co-creator [kòu-kriéitər] : 「共同製作者」
9. We practice coming nearer to the light in us today.
- practice [prǽktis] : 「練習する、実践する、実施する」
- near [níər] : 「近い場所へ、近くへ、近くに」
We take our wandering thoughts, and gently bring them back to where they fall in line with all the thoughts we share with God.
- wander [wɑ́ndər] : 「さまよう、迷う、横道にそれる」
- bring back : 「連れ戻す、連れて帰る」
- fall in line with : 「〜と共同歩調をとる」
We will not let them stray. We let the light within our minds direct them to come home.
- stray [stréi] : 「道に迷う、はぐれる 」
- direct [dirékt] : 「〜を…へ向かわせる」
We have betrayed them, ordering that they depart from us.
- betray [bitréi] : 「裏切る、背く」
- order [ɔ́ːrdər] : 「指図する、命令する」
- depart [dipɑ́ːrt] : 「軌道から反れる、外れる」
But now we call them back, and wash them clean of strange desires and disordered wishes. We restore to them the holiness of their inheritance.
- call back : 「呼び返す、呼び戻す」
- desire [dizáiər] : 「熱望、切望、欲望」
- disordered [disɔ́ːrdərd] : 「混乱した、乱雑な」
- restore [ristɔ́ːr] : 「回復させる、修復する、復活させる」
- inheritance [inhérətəns] : 「受け継いだもの、継承物」
10. Thus are our minds restored with them, and we acknowledge that the peace of God still shines in us, and from us to all living things that share our life.
- acknowledge [æknάlidʒ] : 「認める、受け入れる」
- share [ʃέər] : 「分かち合う、共有する」
We will forgive them all, absolving all the world from what we thought it did to us.
- forgive [fərɡív] : 「許す、容赦する」
- absolve [æbzάlv] : 「解放する、赦す」
For it is we who make the world as we would have it. Now we choose that it be innocent, devoid of sin and open to salvation.
- innocent [ínəsənt] : 「無実の、潔白な、純真な」
- devoid [divɔ́id] : 「欠いている、欠けている」
- devoid of : 「〜を持っていない、〜を欠いている」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救済、救い」
And we lay our saving blessing on it, as we say:
The peace of God is shining in me now.
Let all things shine upon me in that peace,
And let me bless them with the light in me.
- lay [léi] : 「置く、横たえる、並べる」
- saving [séiviŋ] : 「救いの、救済となる」