Lesson 193
All things are lessons God would have me learn.
- have [həv] : 「〜に〜させる」
1. God does not know of learning. Yet His Will extends to what He does not understand, in that He wills the happiness His Son inherited of Him be undisturbed; eternal and forever gaining scope, eternally expanding in the joy of full creation, and eternally open and wholly limitless in Him.
- know of : 「〜について知っている」
- extend [iksténd] : 「広げる、拡張する、拡大する」
- inherit [inhérət] : 「〜を引き継ぐ、継承する」
- undisturbed [ʌ̀ndistə́ːrbd] : 「邪魔されない」
- eternal [itə́ːrnl] : 「永遠の、不変の、永久の」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
- gain [ɡéin] : 「得る、獲得する」
- scope [skóup] : 「範囲、領域」
- eternally [itə́ːrnli] : 「永久に、永遠に」
- expand [ikspǽnd] : 「拡大する、拡張する、展開する」
- creation [kriéiʃən] : 「創造、創作、創作物、作品」
- wholly [hóulli] : 「完全に、全く、全体的に」
- limitless [límitlis] : 「制限のない、無限の」
That is His Will. And thus His Will provides the means to guarantee that it is done.
- provide [prəváid] : 「供給する、与える」
- means [míːnz] : 「手段、方法」
- guarantee [gæ̀rəntíː] : 「保証する、請け合う」
2. God sees no contradictions. Yet His Son believes he sees them.
- contradiction [kὰntrədíkʃən] : 「矛盾、不両立」
Thus he has a need for One Who can correct his erring sight, and give him vision that will lead him back to where perception ceases.
- correct [kərékt] : 「〜を修正する、正す」
- sight [sáit] : 「視力、視覚、視野、視界」
- perception [pərsépʃən] : 「知覚、認知、知見」
- cease [síːs] : 「終わる、やむ、止まる」
God does not perceive at all. Yet it is He Who gives the means by which perception is made true and beautiful enough to let the light of Heaven shine upon it.
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜を把握する」
- means [míːnz] : 「手段、方法」
- shine [ʃáin] : 「輝く、光る」
It is He Who answers what His Son would contradict, and keeps his sinlessness forever safe.
- answer [ǽnsər] : 「答える、返事する」
- contradict [kɑ̀ntrədíkt] : 「〜と矛盾する、〜を否定する」
- sinlessness [sínlisnis] : 「罪のないこと、無辜」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
- safe [séif] : 「安全に、無事に」
3. These are the lessons God would have you learn. His Will reflects them all, and they reflect His loving kindness to the Son He loves.
- reflect [riflékt] : 「〜を映す、示す、反映する」
Each lesson has a central thought, the same in all of them. The form alone is changed, with different circumstances and events; with different characters and different themes, apparent but not real.
- central [séntrəl] : 「中心の、中心となる」
- form [fɔ́ːrm] : 「形、外形、構造、現れ」
- different [dífərənt] : 「違っている、異なる」
- circumstance [sə́ːrkəmstæ̀ns] : 「状況、周囲の事情」
- event [ivént] : 「出来事、事象、成り行き」
- character [kǽriktər] : 「性格、個性、人柄」
- theme [θíːm] : 「話題、論題、テーマ、主題」
- apparent [əpǽrənt] : 「明らかな、明白な」
They are the same in fundamental content. It is this:
Forgive, and you will see this differently.
- fundamental [fʌ̀ndəméntl] : 「基礎の、基本的な」
- content [kɑ́ntent] : 「内容、中身」
- forgive [fərɡív] : 「許す、容赦する」
- differently [dífərəntli] : 「異なって、違って」
4. Certain it is that all distress does not appear to be but unforgiveness. Yet that is the content underneath the form.
- certain [sə́ːrtn] : 「確実な、確かな」
- distress [distrés] : 「苦悩、苦痛、悩み」
- appear [əpíərəns] : 「〜のように見える、〜と思われる」
- unforgiveness [ʌ̀nfərɡívnis] : 「赦さないこと」
- underneath [ʌ̀ndərníːθ] : 「下に、下部に」
It is this sameness which makes learning sure, because the lesson is so simple that it cannot be rejected in the end.
- sameness [séimnis] : 「同一性、類似」
- reject [ridʒékt] : 「拒否する、拒む」
- in the end : 「結局、ついに」
No one can hide forever from a truth so very obvious that it appears in countless forms, and yet is recognized as easily in all of them, if one but wants to see the simple lesson there.
- hide [háid] : 「隠れる、潜伏する」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
- obvious [ɑ́bviəs] : 「明らかな、疑う余地のない」
- countless [káuntlis] : 「数え切れないほどの」
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、受け入れる」
- easily [íːzili] : 「気楽に、安易に、簡単に」
5. Forgive, and you will see this differently.
These are the words the Holy Spirit speaks in all your tribulations, all your pain, all suffering regardless of its form.
- tribulation [trìbjuléiʃən] : 「苦痛、苦難、試練」
- suffering [sʌ́fəriŋ] : 「苦しみ、苦痛、悩み」
- regardless [riɡάːrdlis] of : 「〜にかかわらず」
These are the words with which temptation ends, and guilt, abandoned, is revered no more.
- temptation [temptéiʃən] : 「誘惑、衝動」
- guilt [ɡílt] : 「犯罪、あやまち、有罪、罪」
- abandon [əbǽndən] : 「捨て去る、断念する」
- revere [rivíər] : 「崇敬する、あがめる」
These are the words which end the dream of sin, and rid the mind of fear. These are the words by which salvation comes to all the world.
- rid [ríd] : 「取り除く、取り出す」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
6. Shall we not learn to say these words when we are tempted to believe that pain is real, and death becomes our choice instead of life?
- choice [tʃɔ́is] : 「選ぶこと、選択」
Shall we not learn to say these words when we have understood their power to release all minds from bondage?
- release [rilíːs] : 「解放する、自由にする」
- bondage [bάndidʒ] : 「緊縛、束縛」
These are words which give you power over all events that seem to have been given power over you.
- event [ivént] : 「出来事、事件、事象」
You see them rightly when you hold these words in full awareness, and do not forget these words apply to everything you see or any brother looks upon amiss.
- rightly [ráitli] : 「公正に、正しく」
- awareness [əwéərnəs] : 「気付いていること、意識性」
- forget [fərɡét] : 「〜を忘れる」
- apply [əplái] : 「適用する、当てはめる」
- amiss [əmís] : 「間違って、不適当に」
7. How can you tell when you are seeing wrong, or someone else is failing to perceive the lesson he should learn?
- tell [tél] : 「〜を見分ける、分かる」
- wrong [rɔ́ːŋ] : 「誤って、不正に」
- fail [féil] : 「失敗する、しくじる」
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜を把握する」
Does pain seem real in the perception? If it does, be sure the lesson is not learned.
- perception [pərsépʃən] : 「知覚、認知、知見」
And there remains an unforgiveness hiding in the mind that sees the pain through eyes the mind directs.
- remain [riméin] : 「残る、残存する」
- unforgiveness [ʌ̀nfərɡívnis] : 「赦さないこと」
- hide [háid] : 「隠す、隠蔽する」
- direct [dirékt] : 「指示命令する」
8. God would not have you suffer thus. He would help you forgive yourself. His Son does not remember who he is.
- suffer [sʌ́fər] : 「苦しむ、苦痛を感じる」
- forgive [fərɡív] : 「許す、容赦する」
And God would have him not forget His Love, and all the gifts His Love brings with it. Would you now renounce your own salvation?
- bring [bríŋ] : 「〜を持って来る、〜をもたらす」
- renounce [rináuns] : 「放棄する、捨てる」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
Would you fail to learn the simple lessons Heaven's Teacher sets before you, that all pain may disappear and God may be remembered by His Son?
- fail [féil] : 「失敗する、しくじる」
- disappear [dìsəpíər] : 「存在しなくなる、消滅する」
9. All things are lessons God would have you learn. He would not leave an unforgiving thought without correction, nor one thorn or nail to hurt His holy Son in any way.
- leave [líːv] : 「〜を残す、ある状態のままにしておく」
- correction [kərékʃən] : 「訂正、修正、是正」
- thorn [θɔ́ːrn] : 「とげ、針」
- nail [néil] : 「くぎ、びょう」
- hurt [hə́ːrt] : 「〜を傷つける」
- in any way : 「多少なりとも、形はどうあれ」
He would ensure his holy rest remain untroubled and serene, without a care, in an eternal home which cares for him.
- ensure [inʃúər] : 「〜を確かにする、確実にする」
- rest [rést] : 「休息、休養」
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
- untroubled [ʌ̀ntrʌ́bld] : 「安らかな、静かな」
- serene [səríːn] : 「静かな、穏やかな」
- care [kέər] : 「心配、苦労」
- care for : 「〜を大事に思う、〜の世話をする」
And He would have all tears be wiped away, with none remaining yet unshed, and none but waiting their appointed time to fall.
- tear [tíər] : 「涙、悲しみ、悲嘆」
- wipe [wáip] : 「〜を拭く、ぬぐう」
- wipe away : 「〜を拭き取る、〜を取り除く」
- unshed [ʌ̀nʃéd] : 「流し出されていない」
- wait [wéit] : 「待つ」
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
- fall [fɔ́ːl] : 「落ちる、落下する」
For God has willed that laughter should replace each one, and that His Son be free again.
- laughter [lǽftər] : 「笑い声」
- replace [ripléis] : 「〜に取って代る、〜を置き換える」
10. We will attempt today to overcome a thousand seeming obstacles to peace in just one day.
- attempt [ətémpt] : 「〜を試してみる、〜を企てる」
- overcome [òuvərkʌ́m] : 「克服する、乗り越える」
- thousand [θáuzənd] : 「1000の、1000個の」
- seeming [síːmiŋ] : 「外見だけの、見せ掛けの」
- obstacle [άbstəkl] : 「障害物、妨害物」
Let mercy come to you more quickly. Do not try to hold it off another day, another minute or another instant.
- mercy [mə́ːrsi] : 「慈悲、情け」
- quickly [kwíkli] : 「速く、すぐに」
- hold off : 「遅らせる」
- instant [ínstənt] : 「瞬間、一瞬」
Time was made for this. Use it today for what its purpose is.
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
Morning and night, devote what time you can to serve its proper aim, and do not let the time be less than meets your deepest need.
- devote [divóut] : 「充てる、向ける、ささげる」
- serve [sə́ːrv] : 「〜に役立つ、〜に仕える」
- proper [prάpər] : 「適した、適切な」
- aim [éim] : 「目標、目的」
- less than : 「決して〜でない」
- meet [míːt] : 「満足させる、かなえる、満たす」
- deep [díːp] : 「深い、深さがある」
11. Give all you can, and give a little more. For now we would arise in haste and go unto our Father's house.
- arise [əráiz] : 「起きる、立ち上がる」
- in haste [héist] : 「急いで、慌てて」
We have been gone too long, and we would linger here no more. And as we practice, let us think about all things we saved to settle by ourselves, and kept apart from healing.
- linger [líŋɡər] : 「長居する、居残る」
- practice [prǽktis] : 「〜を実行する、実践する」
- save [séiv] : 「取っておく、残しておく」
- settle [sétl] : 「解決する、処理する」
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
Let us give them all to Him Who knows the way to look upon them so that they will disappear.
- look upon : 「〜を見る」
- disappear [dìsəpíər] : 「存在しなくなる、消滅する」
Truth is His message; truth His teaching is. His are the lessons God would have us learn.
- message [mésidʒ] : 「伝達、メッセージ」
12. Each hour, spend a little time today, and in the days to come, in practicing the lesson in forgiveness in the form established for the day.
- spend [spénd] : 「使う、費やす」
- in the days to come : 「今後」
- establish [istǽbliʃ] : 「確立する、成立させる」
And try to give it application to the happenings the hour brought, so that the next one is free of the one before. The chains of time are easily unloosened in this way.
- application [æ̀pləkéiʃən] : 「適用、応用、利用」
- happening [hǽpniŋ] : 「出来事」
- brought [brɔ́ːt] : 「bringの過去・過去分詞形」
- unloosen [ʌ̀nlúːsn] : 「緩める、解く」
- in this way : 「このようにして、こんなふうに」
Let no one hour cast its shadow on the one that follows, and when that one goes, let everything that happened in its course go with it.
- cast [kǽst] : 「〜を投げる、投じる」
- shadow [ʃǽdou] : 「影」
- follow [fάlou] : 「次に起きる、続いて起こる」
- course [kɔ́ːrs] : 「成り行き、進行、経過」
Thus will you remain unbound, in peace eternal in the world of time.
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
- unbound [ʌ̀nbáund] : 「解放された、縛られていない」
- eternal [itə́ːrnl] : 「永遠の、不変の、永久の」
13. This is the lesson God would have you learn: There is a way to look on everything that lets it be to you another step to Him, and to salvation of the world.
- look on : 「〜を見る」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救済、救い」
To all that speaks of terror, answer thus:
I will forgive, and this will disappear.
- speak of : 「〜を口にする」
- terror [térər] : 「恐怖」
- answer [ǽnsər] : 「答える、返事する」
To every apprehension, every care and every form of suffering, repeat these selfsame words.
- apprehension [æ̀prihénʃən] : 「不安、心配」
- care [kέər] : 「心配、苦労」
- suffering [sʌ́fəriŋ] : 「苦しみ、苦痛、悩み」
- repeat [ripíːt] : 「〜を繰り返して言う」
- selfsame [sélfseim] : 「sameの強調形」
And then you hold the key that opens Heaven's gate, and brings the Love of God the Father down to earth at last, to raise it up to Heaven.
- at last : 「ついに、とうとう」
- raise [réiz] : 「上げる、上昇させる」
God will take this final step Himself. Do not deny the little steps He asks you take to Him.
- final [fáinl] : 「最後の、最終の」
- deny [dinái] : 「〜を否定する、拒絶する」