Lesson 275
God's healing Voice protects all things today.
- protect [prətékt] : 「保護する、守る」
1. Let us today attend the Voice for God, which speaks an ancient lesson, no more true today than any other day.
- attend [əténd] : 「〜に関心を向ける、注意を向ける」
- ancient [éinʃənt] : 「古代の、古くからの」
- no more : 「それ以上〜ない」
Yet has this day been chosen as the time when we will seek and hear and learn and understand.
- chosen [tʃóuzn] : 「chooseの過去分詞形」
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- seek [síːk] : 「探し求める、捜し出す」
- understand [ʌ̀ndərstǽnd] : 「理解する、分かる」
Join me in hearing. For the Voice for God tells us of things we cannot understand alone, nor learn apart.
- join [dʒɔ́in] : 「参加する、一緒になる」
- alone [əlóun] : 「独りで、独力で、単独で」
- tell of : 「〜について話す」
- apart [əpάːrt] : 「離れて、別々に」
It is in this that all things are protected. And in this the healing of the Voice for God is found.
- found [fáund] : 「findの過去・過去分詞形」
- find [fáind] : 「気付く、発見する」
2. Your healing Voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You. I need be anxious over nothing.
- leave [líːv] : 「〜を残す、〜を任せておく」
- anxious [ǽŋkʃəs] : 「心配な、気に掛かる」
For Your Voice will tell me what to do and where to go; to whom to speak and what to say to him, what thoughts to think, what words to give the world.
- what to do : 「すべきこと」
- where to go : 「行くべき所」
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考」
The safety that I bring is given me. Father, Your Voice protects all things through me.
- safety [séifti] : 「安全、無事」
- through [θrúː] : 「〜を通じて、手を通して」
Lesson 276
The Word of God is given me to speak.
- given [ɡívən] : 「giveの過去分詞形」
1. What is the Word of God? "My Son is pure and holy as Myself."
- pure [pjúər] : 「純粋な、清潔な、清らかな」
- holy [hóuli] : 「神聖な、聖なる」
And thus did God become the Father of the Son He loves, for thus was he created.
- thus [ðʌ́s] : 「それ故に、従って」
- create [kriéit] : 「創造する、創り出す」
This the Word His Son did not create with Him, because in this His Son was born. Let us accept His Fatherhood, and all is given us.
- born [bɔ́ːrn] : 「生まれる、誕生する」
- accept [æksépt] : 「認める、受け入れる」
- fatherhood [fάːðərhud] : 「父であること、父権」
Deny we were created in His Love and we deny our Self, to be unsure of who we are, of Who our Father is, and for what purpose we have come.
- deny [dinái] : 「否定する、認めない」
- unsure [ʌnʃúər] : 「不確かな、確信のない」
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
And yet, we need but to acknowledge Him Who gave His Word to us in our creation, to remember Him and so recall our Self.
- acknowledge [æknάlidʒ] : 「認識する、受け入れる」
- creation [kriéiʃən] : 「創造、創作」
- remember [rimémbər] : 「〜を覚えている、〜を思い出す」
- recall [rikɔ́ːl] : 「思い出す、思い起こす」
2. Father, Your Word is mine. And it is this that I would speak to all my brothers, who are given me to cherish as my own, as I am loved and blessed and saved by You.
- mine [máin] : 「私のもの」
- cherish [tʃériʃ] : 「〜を大事にする、〜を大切にする」
- bless [blés] : 「〜を祝福する、清める」
- save [séiv] : 「救う、助ける」
Lesson 277
Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made.
- bind [báind] : 「縛る、結び付ける」
- law [lɔ́ː] : 「法、法律」
1. Your Son is free, my Father. Let me not imagine I have bound him with the laws I made to rule the body.
- imagine [imǽdʒin] : 「想像する、思う」
- bound : 「bind の過去・過去分詞形」
- rule [rúːl] : 「支配する、牛耳る」
He is not subject to any laws I made by which I try to make the body more secure.
- subject [sʌ́bdʒikt] : 「対象、題材」
- secure [sikjúər] : 「安全な、しっかりした」
He is not changed by what is changeable. He is not slave to any laws of time.
- change [tʃéindʒ] : 「〜を変える、〜を変更する」
- unchangeable [tʃéindʒəbl] : 「変わりやすい」
- slave [sléiv] : 「奴隷」
He is as You created him, because he knows no law except the law of love.
- except [iksépt] : 「ただし、除いて」
2. Let us not worship idols, nor believe in any law idolatry would make to hide the freedom of the Son of God.
- worship [wə́ːrʃip] : 「崇拝する、賛美する」
- idol [áidl] : 「偶像、虚像、幻想」
- idolatry [aidάlətri] : 「偶像崇拝」
- hide [háid] : 「隠す、隠蔽する」
He is not bound except by his beliefs. Yet what he is, is far beyond his faith in slavery or freedom.
- belief [bilíːf] : 「信じること、信念、信仰」
- beyond [bijάnd] : 「向こうに、かなたに」
- faith [féiθ] : 「信じること、信念」
- slavery [sléivəri] : 「奴隷であること」
- freedom [fríːdəm] : 「自由、解放」
He is free because he is his Father's Son. And he cannot be bound unless God's truth can lie, and God can will that He deceive Himself.
- unless [ənlés] : 「〜でない限り」
- lie [lái] : 「うそをつく」
- deceive [disíːv] : 「欺く、だます、裏切る」
Lesson 278
If I am bound, my Father is not free.
- bound : 「bind の過去・過去分詞形」
- bind [báind] : 「縛る、結び付ける」
1. If I accept that I am prisoner within a body, in a world in which all things that seem to live appear to die, then is my Father prisoner with me.
- accept [æksépt]: 「受け入れる、承認する」
- prisoner [prízənər] : 「囚人、捕虜」
- within [wiðín] : 「〜の中の、〜の内側の」
- appear [əpíər] : 「〜のように見える、〜と思われる」
- die [dái] : 「死ぬ、死亡する」
And this do I believe, when I maintain the laws the world obeys must I obey; the frailties and the sins which I perceive are real, and cannot be escaped.
- maintain [meintéin] : 「〜を断言する、主張する」
- obey [oubéi] : 「〜に従う、〜の言うことに従う」
- frailty [fréilti] : 「弱さ、もろさ、意志の弱さ、弱点」
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く」
- escape [iskéip] : 「逃げる、脱出する」
If I am bound in any way, I do not know my Father nor my Self. And I am lost to all reality. For truth is free, and what is bound is not a part of truth.
- in any way : 「多少なりとも、形はどうあれ」
- lost [lɔ́st] : 「失われた、無くなった」
- part [pάːrt] : 「一部、部分」
2. Father, I ask for nothing but the truth. I have had many foolish thoughts about myself and my creation, and have brought a dream of fear into my mind.
- ask for : 「〜を求める、〜を要求する」
- nothing but : 「〜だけ、〜のみ」
- foolish [fúːliʃ] : 「愚かな、分別のない」
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考」
- creation [kriéiʃən] : 「創造、創作、創作物」
- brought [brɔ́ːt] : 「bringの過去・過去分詞形」
- bring [bríŋ] : 「〜を持って来る、〜をもたらす」
- fear [fíər] : 「恐れ、恐怖」
Today, I would not dream. I choose the way to You instead of madness and instead of fear. For truth is safe, and only love is sure.
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- instead [instéd] of : 「〜の代わりに」
- madness [mǽdnis] : 「狂気、熱狂」
- safe [séif] : 「安全な、無事な」
- sure [ʃúər] : 「確かな、確実な」