Lesson 132
I loose the world from all I thought it was.
- loose [lúːs] : 「緩める、解き放す、放つ」
1. What keeps the world in chains but your beliefs? And what can save the world except your Self? Belief is powerful indeed.
- save [séiv] : 「救う、助ける」
- powerful [páuərfəl] : 「強い、強力な」
The thoughts you hold are mighty, and illusions are as strong in their effects as is the truth.
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考」
- mighty [máiti] : 「強力な、強大な」
- effect [ifékt] : 「結果、影響」
A madman thinks the world he sees is real, and does not doubt it. Nor can he be swayed by questioning his thoughts' effects.
- madman [mǽdmæ̀n] : 「狂人、気違い」
- doubt [dáut] : 「疑う、信じない」
- sway [swéi] : 「ぐらつかせる、揺さぶる」
It is but when their source is raised to question that the hope of freedom comes to him at last.
- source [sɔ́ːrs] : 「もと、源、起源」
- raise [réiz] : 「上げる、上昇させる、起こす」
- freedom [fríːdəm] : 「自由、解放」
- at last : 「ついに、とうとう」
2. Yet is salvation easily achieved, for anyone is free to change his mind, and all his thoughts change with it.
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
- easily [íːzili] : 「安易に、簡単に」
- achieve [ətʃíːv] : 「獲得する、達成する」
Now the source of thought has shifted, for to change your mind means you have changed the source of all ideas you think or ever thought or yet will think.
- shift [ʃíft] : 「変わる、移る」
- mean [míːn] : 「〜を意味する、…とは〜を指す」
You free the past from what you thought before. You free the future from all ancient thoughts of seeking what you do not want to find.
- past [pǽst] : 「過去、昔」
- future [fjúːtʃər] : 「未来、将来」
- ancient [éinʃənt] : 「古くからの、古い」
3. The present now remains the only time. Here in the present is the world set free.
- present [préznt] : 「今、現在」
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
- be set free : 「自由の身となる、釈放される」
For as you let the past be lifted and release the future from your ancient fears, you find escape and give it to the world.
- lift [líft] : 「解除する、取り除く」
- release [rilíːs] : 「解放する、自由にする」
- escape [iskéip] : 「逃亡、脱出、逃避」
You have enslaved the world with all your fears, your doubts and miseries, your pain and tears, and all your sorrows press on it, and keep the world a prisoner to your beliefs.
- enslave [ensléiv] : 「〜を奴隷にする」
- misery [mízəri] : 「悲惨、不幸、惨めさ」
- sorrow [sάrou] : 「悲しみ、悲哀」
- prisoner [prízənər] : 「囚人、捕虜」
Death strikes it everywhere because you hold the bitter thoughts of death within your mind.
- strike [stráik] : 「襲う、悩ます」
- bitter [bítər] : 「冷酷な、無情の」
4. The world is nothing in itself. Your mind must give it meaning.
- in itself : 「それ自体では、本質的に」
- meaning [míːniŋ] : 「意味、意義、真意」
And what you behold upon it are your wishes, acted out so you can look on them and think them real.
- behold [bihóuld] : 「見守る、注視する」
- wish [wíʃ] : 「願い、願望、希望」
- act out : 「演じる」
Perhaps you think you did not make the world, but came unwillingly to what was made already, hardly waiting for your thoughts to give it meaning.
- perhaps [pərhǽps] : 「たぶん、もしかすると」
- unwillingly [ʌnwíliŋli] : 「嫌々ながら、不本意にも」
- hardly [hάːrdli] : 「ほとんど〜ない、とても〜ない」
- wait for : 「〜を待つ」
Yet in truth you found exactly what you looked for when you came.
- found [fáund] : 「findの過去・過去分詞形」
- exactly [iɡzǽktli] : 「正確に、厳密に」
5. There is no world apart from what you wish, and herein lies your ultimate release.
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
- Herein [hìərín] : 「ここに、この点で」
- lie [lái] : 「ある、存在する」
- ultimate [ʌ́ltəmət] : 「究極の、根本的な」
- release [rilíːs] : 「救出、解放」
Change but your mind on what you want to see, and all the world must change accordingly. Ideas leave not their source.
- accordingly [əkɔ́ːrdiŋli] : 「それに応じて、それに沿って」
- leave [líːv] : 「 〜から離れる、〜と別れる」
- source [sɔ́ːrs] : 「もと、源、起源」
This central theme is often stated in the text, and must be borne in mind if you would understand the lesson for today.
- central [séntrəl] : 「中心の、主要な、中心となる」
- theme [θíːm] : 「論題、テーマ、主題」
- state [stéit] : 「述べる、はっきり言う」
- borne [bɔ́ːrn] : 「bearの過去分詞形」
- bear [bέər] : 「持つ、有する」
It is not pride which tells you that you made the world you see, and that it changes as you change your mind.
- pride [práid] : 「誇り、自慢」
6. But it is pride that argues you have come into a world quite separate from yourself, impervious to what you think, and quite apart from what you chance to think it is.
- argue [άːrɡjuː] : 「主張する、正当だと論じる」
- separate [sépərət] : 「分離した、分けられた」
- impervious [impə́ːrviəs] : 「影響されない」
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
- chance to : 「たまたま〜する」
There is no world! This is the central thought the course attempts to teach.
- attempt [ətémpt] : 「〜を試してみる、〜を企てる」
Not everyone is ready to accept it, and each one must go as far as he can let himself be led along the road to truth.
- be ready to : 「いつでも〜できる、すぐに〜できる」
- led [léd] : 「leadの過去・過去分詞形」
- lead [líːd] : 「〜を導く、連れて行く」
- along [əlɔ́ːŋ] : 「〜に沿って」
He will return and go still farther, or perhaps step back a while and then return again.
- return [ritə́ːrn] : 「戻る、帰る」
- farther [fάːrðər] : 「もっと遠くへ、もっと先に」
- step back : 「後ずさりする」
- a while [hwáil] : 「しばらくの間、ちょっとの間」
7. But healing is the gift of those who are prepared to learn there is no world, and can accept the lesson now.
- prepared [pripέərd] : 「準備ができている」
Their readiness will bring the lesson to them in some form which they can understand and recognize.
- readiness [rédinəs] : 「準備ができていること」
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、受け入れる」
Some see it suddenly on point of death, and rise to teach it.
- suddenly [sʌ́dnli] : 「突然に、急に」
- on the point of : 「〜間際に、〜に瀕して」
- rise [ráiz] : 「立ち上がる」
Others find it in experience that is not of this world, which shows them that the world does not exist because what they behold must be the truth, and yet it clearly contradicts the world.
- experience [ikspíəriəns] : 「経験、体験」
- exist [iɡzíst] : 「存在する」
- behold [bihóuld] : 「見守る、注視する」
- contradict [kɑ̀ntrədíkt] : 「〜と矛盾する、相反する」
8. And some will find it in this course, and in the exercises that we do today. Today's idea is true because the world does not exist.
- exercise [éksərsàiz] : 「練習、訓練、課題」
And if it is indeed your own imagining, then you can loose it from all things you ever thought it was by merely changing all the thoughts that gave it these appearances.
- indeed [indíːd] : 「実に、本当に、確かに」
- loose [lúːs] : 「緩める、解き放す」
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
- appearance [əpíərəns] : 「外観、外見、見掛け」
The sick are healed as you let go all thoughts of sickness, and the dead arise when you let thoughts of life replace all thoughts you ever held of death.
- let go : 「手放す、解放する、捨てる」
- sickness [síknəs] : 「病気」
- arise [əráiz] : 「起こる、生じる」
- replace [ripléis] : 「〜を交換する、置き換える」
9. A lesson earlier repeated once must now be stressed again, for it contains the firm foundation for today's idea.
- earlier [ə́ːrliər] : 「より前の」
- stress [strés] : 「〜を強調する、強く主張する」
- contain [kəntéin] : 「含む、包含する」
- firm [fə́ːrm] : 「堅い、堅固な、頑丈な」
- foundation [faundéiʃən] : 「土台、礎、基盤」
You are as God created you. There is no place where you can suffer, and no time that can bring change to your eternal state.
- suffer [sʌ́fər] : 「苦しむ、苦痛を感じる」
- bring change to : 「〜に変化をもたらす」
- eternal [itə́ːrnl] : 「永遠の、不変の、永久の」
- state [stéit] : 「状態、状況」
How can a world of time and place exist, if you remain as God created you?
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
10. What is the lesson for today except another way of saying that to know your Self is the salvation of the world?
- except [iksépt] : 「ただし、除いて」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
To free the world from every kind of pain is but to change your mind about yourself.
- pain [péin] : 「痛み、苦痛」
There is no world apart from your ideas because ideas leave not their source, and you maintain the world within your mind in thought.
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
- leave [líːv] : 「 〜から離れる、〜と別れる」
- source [sɔ́ːrs] : 「もと、源、起源」
- maintain [meintéin] : 「 〜を保持する、維持する」
11. Yet if you are as God created you, you cannot think apart from Him, nor make what does not share His timelessness and Love.
- share in : 「〜を分かち合う、〜を共有する」
- timelessness [táimlisnis] : 「時間が存在しないこと」
Are these inherent in the world you see? Does it create like Him? Unless it does, it is not real, and cannot be at all.
- inherent [inhíərənt] : 「生まれつきの、生来の」
If you are real the world you see is false, for God's creation is unlike the world in every way.
- false [fɔ́ːls] : 「正しくない、誤った、偽の」
- unlike [ʌnláik] : 「〜とは違って」
And as it was His Thought by which you were created, so it is your thoughts which made it and must set it free, that you may know the Thoughts you share with God.
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考、思索、思想」
12. Release the world! Your real creations wait for this release to give you fatherhood, not of illusions, but as God in truth.
- release [rilíːs] : 「解放する、自由にする」
- creation [kriéiʃən] : 「創造、創作、創作物、作品」
- wait for : 「〜を待つ」
- fatherhood [fάːðərhùd] : 「父であること」
God shares His Fatherhood with you who are His Son, for He makes no distinctions in what is Himself and what is still Himself.
- distinction [distíŋkʃən] : 「差異、区別」
- make no distinctions : 「区別をしない」
The Will of the Father and of the Son are One together BY THEIR EXTENSION. Their extension is the RESULT of their Oneness, holding their unity together by extending their JOINT Will. This is perfect creation by the perfectly created in union with the Perfect Creator. The Father MUST give fatherhood to His Son because His Own Fatherhood must be extended outward. You who belong in God have the holy function of extending His Fatherhood by placing NO limits upon It. Let the Holy Spirit teach you HOW to do this, for you will know what it MEANS of God Himself.
さて、これによると、神は神の子をその延長上に創造したのだから、神の父権は神の子に継承された、ということになる。簡単に言えば、神と神の子は一本の延長された線上にあり、同一だということ。したがって、"He makes no distinctions in what is Himself and what is still Himself" は、神は、神自身を延長する前の神自身と、神自身を延長した後の今の神自身の間に区別を付けることはない、という意味合いになる。創造者としての神と父としての神の間に、神は区別は付けない。これは、まったく神の子にも当てはまる。なぜなら、神の子は神の延長上に創造されたからだ。したがって、神の子は創造者であると同時に、創造したものの父でもある。神と神の子は、一本の線上にあって、同一なのだ。神の意志と神の子の意志が同一であるように、神の父権と神の子の父権も同一であり、いわば、父権を分かち合っているわけだ。
What He creates is not apart from Him, and nowhere does the Father end, the Son begin as something separate from Him.
- nowhere [nóuhwὲər] : 「どこにも〜ない」
- separate [sépərèit] : 「離す、分離する」
13. There is no world because it is a thought apart from God, and made to separate the Father and the Son, and break away a part of God Himself and thus destroy His Wholeness.
- break away : 「剥離する、つながりを断つ」
- destroy [distrɔ́i] : 「破壊する、粉砕する」
- wholeness [hóulnis] : 「完全であること」
Can a world which comes from this idea be real? Can it be anywhere?
- anywhere [énihwὲər] : 「どこかに、どこでも」
Deny illusions, but accept the truth. Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world.
- deny [dinái] : 「否定する、信じない」
- shadow [ʃǽdou] : 「影」
- briefly [bríːfli] : 「ちょっとの間、短く」
- laid [léid] : 「layの過去・過去分詞形」
- lay [léi] : 「置く、横たえる」
Release your mind, and you will look upon a world released.
- look upon : 「〜を見る」
14. Today our purpose is to free the world from all the idle thoughts we ever held about it, and about all living things we see upon it.
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
- idle [áidl] : 「無意味な、無駄な」
- held [héld] : 「holdの過去形・過去分詞形」
- living thing : 「生物」
They can not be there. No more can we. For we are in the home our Father set for us, along with them.
- along with : 「〜と一緒に、〜とともに」
And we who are as He created us would loose the world this day from every one of our illusions, that we may be free.
- loose [lúːs] : 「解き放す、放つ」
15. Begin the fifteen-minute periods in which we practice twice today with this:
I who remain as God created me would loose
the world from all I thought it was.
For I am real because the world is not,
and I would know my own reality.
- practice [prǽktis] : 「練習する、実践する」
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
Then merely rest, alert but with no strain, and let your mind in quietness be changed so that the world is freed, along with you.
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
- rest [rést] : 「休む、休息する」
- alert [ələ́ːrt] : 「油断のない、用心深い」
- strain [stréin] : 「緊張、精神的緊張」
16. You need not realize that healing comes to many brothers far across the world, as well as to the ones you see nearby, as you send out these thoughts to bless the world.
- across [əkrɔ́s] : 「〜を横切って、〜を横断して」
- nearby [níərbái] : 「すぐ近くの」
- send out : 「送信する」
- bless [blés] : 「〜を祝福する、清める」
But you will sense your own release, although you may not fully understand as yet that you could never be released alone.
- sense [séns] : 「〜を感知する、〜に気付く」
- fully [fúlli] : 「十分に、完全に」
- as yet : 「今のところ」
- alone [əlóun] : 「独りで、単独で」
17. Throughout the day, increase the freedom sent through your ideas to all the world, and say whenever you are tempted to deny the power of your simple change of mind:
I loose the world from all I thought it was,
and choose my own reality instead.
- throughout [θruːáut] : 「〜の間中」
- increase [inkríːs] : 「〜を増やす、増大させる」
- freedom [fríːdəm] : 「自由、解放」
- sent [sént] : 「sendの過去・過去分詞形」
- through [θrúː] : 「〜を通じて」
- whenever [hwènévər] : 「〜するときはいつでも」
- tempt [témpt] : 「〜を誘惑する、〜を唆す」