Lesson 158
Today I learn to give as I receive.
- receive [risíːv] : 「受け取る、もらう」
1. What has been given you? The knowledge that you are a mind, in Mind and purely mind, sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because you were created out of love.
- knowledge [nάlidʒ] : 「知識、知恵、知見」
- purely [pjúərli] : 「純粋に、清く」
- sinless [sínlis] : 「罪のない、潔白な」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
- wholly [hóulli] : 「完全に、全く、全体的に」
- unafraid [ʌnəfréid] : 「恐れない、怖くない」
Nor have you left your Source, remaining as you were created. This was given you as knowledge which you cannot lose.
- left [léft] : 「leaveの過去・過去分詞形」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜から離れる、〜と別れる」
- source [sɔ́ːrs] : 「もと、源、起源」
- remain [riméin] : 「とどまる、残る」
- lose [lúːz] : 「〜を失う、見失う、なくす」
It was given as well to every living thing, for by that knowledge only does it live.
- as well : 「同じに、同様に」
2. You have received all this. No one who walks the world but has received it.
- receive [risíːv] : 「受け取る」
It is not this knowledge which you give, for that is what creation gave. All this cannot be learned. What, then, are you to learn to give today?
- creation [kriéiʃən] : 「創造、創作、創作物」
Our lesson yesterday evoked a theme found early in the text. Experience cannot be shared directly, in the way that vision can.
- evoke [ivóuk] : 「呼び起こす、引き起こす」
- theme [θíːm] : 「話題、論題、主題」
- found [fáund] : 「findの過去・過去分詞形」
- experience [ikspíəriəns] : 「経験、体験」
- share in : 「〜を分かち合う、〜を共有する」
- directly [diréktli] : 「直接に、そのまま」
The revelation that the Father and the Son are one will come in time to every mind. Yet is that time determined by the mind itself, not taught.
- revelation [rèvəléiʃən] : 「啓示、黙示」
- in time : 「時間内に、いつかは、やがて」
- determine [ditə́ːrmin] : 「決定する、決心させる」
- taught [tɔ́ːt] : 「teachの過去・過去分詞形」
3. The time is set already. It appears to be quite arbitrary. Yet there is no step along the road that anyone takes but by chance.
- already [ɔːlrédi] : 「すでに、とっくに〜済み」
- appear [əpíərəns] : 「〜のように見える、〜と思われる」
- arbitrary [άːrbətrèri] : 「任意の」
- by chance : 「偶然に、たまたま」
It has already been taken by him, although he has not yet embarked on it. For time but seems to go in one direction.
- embark [imbάːrk] : 「着手する、乗り出す」
- direction [dirékʃən] : 「方角、方向、向き」
We but undertake a journey that is over. Yet it seems to have a future still unknown to us.
- undertake [ʌ̀ndərtéik] : 「企てる、始める、〜に着手する」
- future [fjúːtʃər] : 「未来、将来、今後」
This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary.
4. Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic.
- sleight [sláit] : 「手練、手品、奇術」
- sleight of hand : 「手品、奇術」
- vast [vάːst] : 「広大な、巨大な」
- figure [fíɡjər] : 「姿、人影、人物」
Yet there is a plan behind appearances that does not change. The script is written. When experience will come to end your doubting has been set.
- appearance [əpíərəns] : 「外観、外見、見掛け」
- script [skrípt] : 「脚本、台本」
- written [rítn] : 「writeの過去分詞」
- experience [ikspíəriəns] : 「経験、体験」
- doubt [dáut] : 「〜を疑問に思う、疑う」
For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by.
- look back : 「回想する、追憶する」
- once again : 「もう一度、再度」
- review [rivjúː] : 「もう一度見る、振り返る」
- mentally [méntəli] : 「心の中で、思考によって」
- go by : 「過ぎる、経過する」
5. A teacher does not give experience, because he did not learn it. It revealed itself to him at its appointed time. But vision is his gift.
- reveal [rivíːl] : 「暴く、明かす、暴露する」
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
This he can give directly, for Christ's knowledge is not lost, because He has a vision He can give to anyone who asks.
- directly [diréktli] : 「直接に、真っすぐに」
- knowledge [nάlidʒ] : 「知識、知恵、知見」
- lost [lɔ́st] : 「loseの過去・過去分詞形」
The Father's Will and His are joined in knowledge. Yet there is a vision which the Holy Spirit sees because the Mind of Christ beholds it too.
- join [dʒɔ́in] : 「結び付ける、結合する」
- behold [bihóuld] : 「見守る、注視する」
- yet [jét] : 「さらに、その上」
6. Here is the joining of the world of doubt and shadows made with the intangible.
- joining [dʒɔ́iniŋ] : 「連結、接合」
- doubt [dáut] : 「疑い、疑念、疑惑」
- shadow [ʃǽdou] : 「影」
- intangible [intǽndʒəbl] : 「無形の、実体のない」
Here is a quiet place within the world made holy by forgiveness and by love.
- forgiveness [fərɡívnis] : 「許すこと、許し、寛容」
Here are all contradictions reconciled, for here the journey ends. Experience--unlearned, untaught, unseen--is merely there.
- contradiction [kὰntrədíkʃən] : 「矛盾、不両立」
- reconcile [rékənsàil] : 「調停する、調和させる」
- unlearned [ʌnlə́ːrnid] : 「学ばれ得ない」
- untaught [ʌ̀ntɔ́ːt] : 「教え得ない」
- unseen [ʌnsíːn] : 「目に見えない」
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
This is beyond our goal, for it transcends what needs to be accomplished. Our concern is with Christ's vision. This we can attain.
- beyond [bijάnd] : 「〜の向こうに、〜を越えて」
- transcend [trænsénd] : 「超える、〜を超越する」
- accomplish [əkɑ́mpliʃ] : 「成し遂げる、成就する」
- concern [kənsə́ːrn] : 「関心事、懸案」
- attain [attain] : 「達する、手に入れる、獲得する」
7. Christ's vision has one law. It does not look upon a body, and mistake it for the Son whom God created.
- law [lɔ́ː] : 「法、法律」
- look upon : 「〜を見る」
- mistake A for B : 「AをBと間違える」
It beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond what can be touched, a purity undimmed by errors, pitiful mistakes, and fearful thoughts of guilt from dreams of sin.
- behold [bihóuld] : 「見守る、注視する」
- purity [pjúərəti] : 「純粋さ、清らかさ」
- undimmed [ʌ̀ndímd] : 「薄暗くされていない」
- pitiful [pítifəl] : 「哀れな、惨めな」
It sees no separation. And it looks on everyone, on every circumstance, all happenings and all events, without the slightest fading of the light it sees.
- circumstance [sə́ːrkəmstæ̀ns] : 「環境、周囲の事情」
- slight [sláit] : 「取るに足りない、ほんのわずかな」
- fading [féidiŋ] : 「衰退、減退」
8. This can be taught; and must be taught by all who would achieve it.
- taught [tɔ́ːt] : 「teachの過去・過去分詞形」
- achieve [ətʃíːv] : 「成し遂げる、達成する」
It requires but the recognition that the world can not give anything that faintly can compare with this in value; nor set up a goal that does not merely disappear when this has been perceived.
- require [rikwáiər] : 「〜を必要とする、〜に要求する」
- recognition [rèkəɡníʃən] : 「認識、認証」
- faintly [féintli] : 「かすかに、ぼんやりと」
- compare [kəmpéər] A with B : 「AをBと比較する」
- value [vǽljuː] : 「価値、値打ち」
- set up : 「設ける、設定する」
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
- disappear [dìsəpíər] : 「存在しなくなる、消滅する」
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く」
And this you give today: See no one as a body. Greet him as the Son of God he is, acknowledging that he is one with you in holiness.
- greet [gríːt] : 「対応する、接する」
- acknowledge [æknάlidʒ] : 「認める、認識する」
- holiness [hóulinis] : 「神聖、神聖さ」
9. Thus are his sins forgiven him, for Christ has vision that has power to overlook them all. In His forgiveness are they gone.
- forgiven [fərɡívn] : 「forgiveの過去分詞」
- overlook [òuvərlúk] : 「見落とす、見て見ぬふりをする」
Unseen by One they merely disappear, because a vision of the holiness that lies beyond them comes to take their place.
- lie [lái] : 「ある、存在する」
- take one's place : 「〜の代わりをする、〜と交代する」
It matters not what form they took, nor how enormous they appeared to be, nor who seemed to be hurt by them. They are no more.
- matter [mǽtər] : 「重要である、問題である」
- enormous [inɔ́ːrməs] : 「巨大な、膨大な」
- appear [əpíərəns] : 「〜のように見える、〜と思われる」
- hurt [hə́ːrt] : 「〜を傷つける」
- no more : 「もはや〜しない」
And all effects they seemed to have are gone with them, undone and never to be done.
- effect [ifékt] : 「結果、影響」
- undone [ʌndʌ́n] : 「undoの過去分詞形」
- undo [ʌndú] : 「元どおりにする、取り消す」
10. Thus do you learn to give as you receive. And thus Christ's vision looks on you as well.
- receive [risíːv] : 「受け取る」
- look on : 「〜を見る」
- as well : 「同じに、同様に」
This lesson is not difficult to learn, if you remember in your brother you but see yourself.
- difficult [dífikʌ̀lt] : 「困難な、難しい」
- remember [rimémbər] : 「〜を覚えている、〜を思い出す」
If he be lost in sin, so must you be; if you see light in him, your sins have been forgiven by yourself.
- lost [lɔ́st] : 「loseの過去・過去分詞形」
- be lost in : 「〜の中で道に迷う、没頭している」
Each brother whom you meet today provides another chance to let Christ's vision shine on you, and offer you the peace of God.
- meet [míːt] : 「〜に会う、〜と接触する」
- provide [prəváid] : 「供給する、与える」
- shine [ʃáin] : 「輝く、光る」
- offer [ɔ́fər] : 「差し出す、〜を提供する」
11. It matters not when revelation comes, for that is not of time.
- revelation [rèvəléiʃən] : 「啓示、黙示」
Yet time has still one gift to give, in which true knowledge is reflected in a way so accurate its image shares its unseen holiness; its likeness shines with its immortal love.
- knowledge [nάlidʒ] : 「知識、知恵、知見」
- reflect [riflékt] : 「〜を映す、示す、反映する」
- in a way : 「ある意味では、ある程度」
- accurate [ǽkjurət] : 「正確な、正しい」
- share in : 「〜を分かち合う、〜を共有する」
- unseen [ʌnsíːn] : 「目に見えない」
- holiness [hóulinis] : 「神聖、神聖さ」
- likeness [láiknis] : 「似ていること、類似」
- immortal [imɔ́ːrtl] : 「死なない、不死の」
We practice seeing with the eyes of Christ today. And by the holy gifts we give, Christ's vision looks upon ourselves as well.
- practice [prǽktis] : 「練習する、実践する」
- look upon : 「〜を見る」