Lesson 133
I will not value what is valueless.
- value [vǽljuː] : 「〜を高く評価する、〜を尊重する」
- valueless [vǽljuːlis] : 「価値のない、無価値な」
1. Sometimes in teaching there is benefit, particularly after you have gone through what seems theoretical and far from what the student has already learned, to bring him back to practical concerns.
- benefit [bénəfit] : 「恩恵、利益」
- particularly [pərtíkjulərli] : 「特別に、とりわけ」
- go through : 「通り抜ける、体験する、味わう」
- theoretical [θìːərétikəl] : 「理論的な、理論の」
- far from : 「〜から遠くに」
- bring back : 「連れ戻す、思い出させる」
- practical [prǽktikəl] : 「実際の、実質的な」
- concern [kənsə́ːrn] : 「関心事、懸案、関連、関係」
This we will do today. We will not speak of lofty, world-encompassing ideas, but dwell instead on benefits to you.
- speak of : 「〜のことを話す」
- lofty lɔ́fti] : 「高位の、気高い、高尚な」
- encompass [inkʌ́mpəs] : 「〜を包む、網羅する」
- dwell [dwél] on : 「〜をくよくよ考える、思案する」
- instead [instéd] : 「代わりに、それよりむしろ」
- benefit [bénəfit] : 「便益、恩恵、利益」
2. You do not ask too much of life, but far too little. When you let your mind be drawn to bodily concerns, to things you buy, to eminence as valued by the world, you ask for sorrow, not for happiness.
- drawn [drɔ́ːn] : 「drawの過去分詞形」
- draw [drɔ́ː] : 「〜を引く、引き込む」
- bodily [bάdəli] : 「身体上の、肉体の」
- concern [kənsə́ːrn] : 「関心事、心配、不安」
- eminence [émənəns] : 「高位、卓越」
- ask for : 「〜を求める、〜を要求する」
- sorrow [sάrou] : 「悲しみ、悲哀」
- happiness [hǽpinis] : 「幸福、喜び、幸せ」
This course does not attempt to take from you the little that you have.
- attempt [ətémpt] : 「〜を試してみる、〜を企てる」
It does not try to substitute utopian ideas for satisfactions which the world contains. There are no satisfactions in the world.
- substitute [sʌ́bstətjùːt] : 「〜を代わりにする、置き換える」
- substitute A for B : 「AをBの代わりにする」
- utopian [juːtóupiən] : 「現実不可能な、夢想的な」
- satisfaction [sæ̀tisfǽkʃən] : 「満足、実現」
- contain [kəntéin] : 「含む、包含する」
3. Today we list the real criteria by which to test all things you think you want.
- list [líst] : 「〜を一覧表にする」
- criteria [kraitíəriə] : 「criterionの複数形」
- criterion [kraitíəriən] : 「基準、尺度」
Unless they meet these sound requirements, they are not worth desiring at all, for they can but replace what offers more.
- unless [ənlés] : 「〜でない限り」
- sound [sáund] : 「健全な、理にかなった」
- requirement [rikwáiərmənt] : 「必要条件、要件」
- worth [wə́ːrθ] : 「〜の価値がある、〜に値する」
- desire [dizáiər] : 「〜が欲しいと強く思う」
- replace [ripléis] : 「〜に取って代る、置き換える」
- offer [ɔ́fər] : 「差し出す、〜を提供する」
The laws that govern choice you cannot make, no more than you can make alternatives from which to choose.
- law [lɔ́ː] : 「法、法律、法規」
- govern [gʌ́vərn] : 「支配する、統治する」
- choice [tʃɔ́is] : 「選ぶこと、選択」
- no more than : 「たった、わずか」
- alternative [ɔːltə́ːrnətiv] : 「取って代わるもの」
The choosing you can do; indeed, you must. But it is wise to learn the laws you set in motion when you choose, and what alternatives you choose between.
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- wise [wáiz] : 「賢い、賢明な」
- set in motion : 「動かす、発動する」
4. We have already stressed there are but two, however many there appear to be. The range is set, and this we cannot change.
- already [ɔːlrédi] : 「すでに、とっくに〜済み」
- stress [strés] : 「〜を強調する、強く主張する」
- appear [əpíərəns] : 「〜のように見える」
- range [réindʒ] : 「範囲、限界、領域」
It would be most ungenerous to you to let alternatives be limitless, and thus delay your final choice until you had considered all of them in time; and not been brought so clearly to the place where there is but one choice that must be made.
- ungenerous [ʌ̀ndʒénərəs] : 「けちな、狭量な、卑劣な」
- limitless [límitlis] : 「制限のない、無限の」
- delay [diléi] : 「〜を遅らせる」
- final [fáinl] : 「最後の、最終の、決定的な」
- consider [kənsídər] : 「〜とみなす、熟考する」
- in time : 「時間内に、やがて」
- brought [brɔ́ːt] : 「bringの過去・過去分詞形」
5. Another kindly and related law is that there is no compromise in what your choice must bring.
- kindly [káindli] : 「親切な、優しい」
- related [riléitid] : 「 関係のある、関連した」
- compromise [kɑ́mprəmàiz] : 「妥協、譲歩」
It cannot give you just a little, for there is no in between. Each choice you make brings everything to you or nothing.
- in between : 「二つのものの間に、中間に」
Therefore, if you learn the tests by which you can distinguish everything from nothing, you will make the better choice.
- distinguish [distíŋɡwiʃ] : 「見分ける、識別する」
6. First, if you choose a thing that will not last forever, what you chose is valueless.
- last [lǽst] : 「続く、存続する、持続する」
- forever [fərévər] : 「永遠に、永久に」
- valueless [vǽljuːlis] : 「無価値な」
A temporary value is without all value. Time can never take away a value that is real.
- temporary [témpərèri] : 「一時的な、仮の、当座の」
- take away : 「奪い去る、連れ去る、持ち去る」
What fades and dies was never there, and makes no offering to him who chooses it.
- fade [féid] : 「薄くなる、消えていく」
He is deceived by nothing in a form he thinks he likes.
- deceive [disíːv] : 「欺く、惑わす、だます」
- form [fɔ́ːrm] : 「形、外形、構造、現れ」
7. Next, if you choose to take a thing away from someone else, you will have nothing left.
- have [həv] : 「〜に〜させる」
- left [léft] : 「leaveの過去・過去分詞形」
This is because, when you deny his right to everything, you have denied your own.
- deny [dinái] : 「〜を否定する、拒絶する」
- right [ráit] : 「権利、利権」
You therefore will not recognize the things you really have, denying they are there.
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、認める」
Who seeks to take away has been deceived by the illusion loss can offer gain. Yet loss must offer loss, and nothing more.
- illusion [ilúːʒən] : 「幻想、幻覚、錯覚」
- loss [lɔ́s] : 「失うこと、喪失、紛失」
- gain [géin] : 「得ること、獲得」
8. Your next consideration is the one on which the others rest. Why is the choice you make of value to you?
- consideration [kənsìdəréiʃən] : 「考慮、熟慮」
- rest [rést] on : 「〜に基礎を置く、〜を当てにする」
- of value : 「価値のある」
What attracts your mind to it? What purpose does it serve? Here it is easiest of all to be deceived. For what the ego wants it fails to recognize.
- attract [ətrǽkt] : 「引き付ける、魅了する」
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
- serve [sə́ːrv] : 「〜に役立つ、〜に仕える」
- fail [féil] : 「失敗する、しくじる」
It does not even tell the truth as it perceives it, for it needs to keep the halo which it uses to protect its goals from tarnish and from rust, that you may see how "innocent" it is.
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く、〜を見抜く」
- halo [héilou] : 「後光、暈」
- tarnish [tάːrniʃ] : 「曇り、汚点」
- rust [rʌ́st] : 「さび」
- innocent [ínəsənt] : 「無実の、潔白な、無害の」
9. Yet is its camouflage a thin veneer, which could deceive but those who are content to be deceived. Its goals are obvious to anyone who cares to look for them.
- camouflage [kǽməflὰːʒ] : 「カモフラージュ、偽装」
- thin [θín] : 「薄い、実質のない」
- veneer [vəníər] : 「ベニヤ、化粧板」
- be content to : 「〜して満足する、〜に甘んじている」
- obvious [ɑ́bviəs] : 「明らかな、見え透いた」
- care to : 「〜したいと思う」
Here is deception doubled, for the one who is deceived will not perceive that he has merely failed to gain. He will believe that he has served the ego's hidden goals.
- double [dʌ́bl] : 「〜を二重にする」
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く、〜を見抜く」
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
- hidden [hídn] : 「隠された、秘密の」
10. Yet though he tries to keep its halo clear within his vision, still must he perceive its tarnished edges and its rusted core.
- clear [klíər] : 「澄んだ、明快な」
- vision [víʒən] : 「視覚、視力」
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く」
- tarnished [tάːrniʃt] : 「変色した、色あせた」
- edge [édʒ] : 「端、へり、境界」
- rust [rʌ́st] : 「錆させる」
- core [kɔ́ːr] : 「中心部、中核部」
His ineffectual mistakes appear as sins to him, because he looks upon the tarnish as his own; the rust a sign of deep unworthiness within himself.
- ineffectual [ìniféktʃuəl] : 「効果のない、無駄な、無力な」
- appear [əpíərəns] : 「〜のように見える、〜と思われる」
- sign [sáin] : 「象徴、しるし、証拠、兆候」
- tarnish [tάːrniʃ] : 「曇り、汚点」
- unworthiness [ʌ̀nwə́ːrðinis] : 「価値のないこと、無価値」
He who would still preserve the ego's goals and serve them as his own makes no mistakes, according to the dictates of his guide.
- preserve [prizə́ːrv] : 「〜を保つ、保存する、保護する」
- according to : 「〜に従って、〜と一致して、〜に準じて」
- dictate [díkteit] : 「命令、指示」
This guidance teaches it is error to believe that sins are but mistakes, for who would suffer for his sins if this were so?
- guidance [gáidns] : 「指導、手引き、指図」
- suffer [sʌ́fər] : 「苦しむ、苦痛を感じる」
11. And so we come to the criterion for choice that is the hardest to believe, because its obviousness is overlaid with many levels of obscurity.
- come to : 「また戻る、立ち向かう」
- criterion [kraitíəriən] : 「基準、尺度」
- hard [hάːrd] : 「難しい、困難な」
- obviousness [άbviəsnis] : 「自明性」
- overlay [òuvərléi] : 「かぶせる覆う、覆う」
- obscurity [əbskjúərəti] : 「暗いこと、曖昧」
If you feel any guilt about your choice, you have allowed the ego's goals to come between the real alternatives.
- guilt [ɡílt] : 「犯罪、あやまち、罪」
- allow [əláu] : 「許す、許可する」
- alternative [ɔːltə́ːrnətiv] : 「取って代わるもの、別の可能性」
And thus you do not realize there are but two, and the alternative you think you chose seems fearful, and too dangerous to be the nothingness it actually is.
- fearful [fíərfəl] : 「恐ろしい」
- dangerous [déindʒərəs] : 「危険な、物騒な」
- nothingness [nʌ́θiŋnis] : 「無、非実在、無価値」
- actually [ǽktʃuəli] : 「実際は、本当は、実は」
12. All things are valuable or valueless, worthy or not of being sought at all, entirely desirable or not worth the slightest effort to obtain.
- valuable [vǽljuəbl] : 「高価な、役立つ、有益な」
- valueless [vǽljuːlis] : 「無価値な、価値のない」
- worthy [wə́ːrði] : 「尊敬すべき、価値ある」
- sought [sɔ́ːt] : 「seek の過去・過去分詞形」
- entirely [entáiərli] : 「全く、完全に」
- desirable [dizáiərəbl] : 「望ましい、価値のある」
- worth [wə́ːrθ] : 「価値」
- slight [sláit] : 「非常に小さい、ほんのわずかな」
- effort [éfərt] : 「尽力、努力」
- obtain [əbtéin] : 「手に入れる、得る」
Choosing is easy just because of this. Complexity is nothing but a screen of smoke, which hides the very simple fact that no decision can be difficult.
- complexity [kəmpléksəti] : 「複雑さ、複雑性」
- decision [disíʒən] : 「決定、決断、決心」
- difficult [dífikʌ̀lt] : 「困難な、厳しい、難しい」
What is the gain to you in learning this? It is far more than merely letting you make choices easily and without pain.
- far more than : 「〜をはるかに超えて」
13. Heaven itself is reached with empty hands and open minds, which come with nothing to find everything and claim it as their own.
- reach [ríːtʃ] : 「達する、至る、手が届く」
- empty [émpti] : 「空の、空っぽの」
- claim [kléim] : 「主張する、言い張る、要求する」
We will attempt to reach this state today, with self-deception laid aside, and with an honest willingness to value but the truly valuable and the real.
- attempt [ətémpt] : 「〜を試してみる、〜を企てる」
- self-deception [disépʃən] : 「自己欺瞞、自分を騙すこと」
- laid [léid] : 「layの過去・過去分詞形」
- lay aside : 「やめる、捨てる、放棄する」
- honest [άnist] : 「正直な、誠実な」
- willingness [wíliŋnis] : 「意欲、やる気」
Our two extended practice periods of fifteen minutes each begin with this:
I will not value what is valueless,
and only what has value do I seek,
for only that do I desire to find.
- extended [iksténdid] : 「延長した、延長された」
- desire [dizáiər] : 「〜が欲しいと強く思う」
14. And then receive what waits for everyone who reaches, unencumbered, to the gate of Heaven, which swings open as he comes.
- receive [risíːv] : 「受け取る、聞く、知る」
- wait for : 「〜を待つ」
- unencumber [ʌ̀ninkʌ́mbər] : 「〜を重荷から解放する」
- swing [swíŋ] : 「振れる、揺れる」
- swing open : 「(ドアなどが前後に揺れて)開く」
Should you begin to let yourself collect some needless burdens, or believe you see some difficult decisions facing you, be quick to answer with this simple thought:
I will not value what is valueless,
for what is valuable belongs to me.
- should [ʃúd] : 「万一〜ならば」
- collect [kəlékt] : 「集める、収集する」
- needless [níːdləs] : 「不必要な、無用の」
- burden [bə́ːrdn] : 「負担、重荷」
- difficult [dífikʌ̀lt] : 「困難な、厳しい」
- be quick to : 「すぐに〜する」
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考」
- belong [bilɔ́ːŋ] to : 「〜に属する、〜の所有である」