5. What is the Body
1. The body is a fence the Son of God imagines he has built, to separate parts of his Self from other parts.
- fence [féns] : 「フェンス、囲い」
- separate [sépərèit] : 「分ける、分離する」
It is within this fence he thinks he lives, to die as it decays and crumbles.
- within [wiðín] : 「〜の中に、〜の内側に」
- decay [dikéi] : 「腐る、腐敗する」
- crumble [krʌ́mbl] : 「崩れる、崩壊する」
For within this fence he thinks that he is safe from love. Identifying with his safety, he regards himself as what his safety is.
- identify [aidéntəfài] : 「〜を同一視する、同定する」
- identify with : 「〜と同一であると見なす」
- safety [séifti] : 「安全、無事」
- regard [riɡάːrd] : 「見なす、思う、考える」
How else could he be certain he remains within the body, keeping love outside?
- else [éls] : 「そのほかに」
- certain [sə́ːrtn] : 「確実な、確かな」
- remain [riméin] : 「とどまる、残る」
- outside [áutsáid] : 「外側に、外部に」
2. The body will not stay. Yet this he sees as double safety.
- stay [stéi] : 「ある状態が継続する、〜のままでいる」
- double [dʌ́bl] : 「二重の、倍の」
For the Son of God's impermanence is "proof" his fences work, and do the task his mind assigns to them.
- impermanence [impə́ːrmənənt] : 「非永続性」
- proof [prúːf] : 「証拠、証し」
- assign [əsáin] : 「〜を割り当てる、任命する」
For if his oneness still remained untouched, who could attack and who could be attacked? Who could be victor? Who could be his prey? Who could be victim? Who the murderer?
- oneness [wʌ́nnis] : 「単一性、同一性」
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
- untouched [ʌ̀ntʌ́tʃt] : 「触れられていない、手付かずの」
- victor [víktər] : 「勝利者」
- prey [préi] : 「餌食、犠牲」
- victim [víktim] : 「犠牲者、被災者」
- murderer [mə́ːrdərər] : 「殺人者、人殺し」
And if he did not die, what "proof" is there that God's eternal Son can be destroyed?
- die [dái] : 「死ぬ、死亡する」
- eternal [itə́ːrnl] : 「永遠の、不滅の」
- destroy [distrɔ́i] : 「〜を破壊する」
3. The body is a dream. Like other dreams it sometimes seems to picture happiness, but can quite suddenly revert to fear, where every dream is born.
- picture [píktʃər] : 「〜を描写する、絵に描く」
- quite suddenly [sʌ́dnli] : 「全く突然に」
- revert [rivə́ːrt] : 「元に戻る」
- fear [fíər] : 「恐れ、恐怖」
- born [bɔ́ːrn] : 「生まれる、誕生する」
For only love creates in truth, and truth can never fear. Made to be fearful, must the body serve the purpose given it.
- create [kriéit] : 「創造する、創り出す」
- in truth : 「実のところ、実際には」
- fearful [fíərfəl] : 「恐ろしい」
- serve [sə́ːrv] : 「〜に役立つ、〜に仕える」
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
- given [ɡívən] : 「giveの過去分詞形」
But we can change the purpose that the body will obey by changing what we think that it is for.
- change [tʃéindʒ] : 「〜を変える」
- obey [oubéi] : 「〜に従う」
4. The body is the means by which God's Son returns to sanity.
- means [míːnz] : 「手段、方法」
- return [ritə́ːrn] to : 「〜に帰る、〜戻る」
- sanity [sǽnəti] : 「正気、健全さ」
Though it was made to fence him into hell without escape, yet has the goal of Heaven been exchanged for the pursuit of hell.
- though [ðóu] : 「〜だけれども」
- fence [féns] : 「〜に囲いをする」
- hell [hél] : 「地獄」
- escape [iskéip] : 「逃亡、脱出」
- goal [ɡóul] : 「目標、目的」
- exchange [ikstʃéindʒ] : 「〜を交換する」
- pursuit [pərsúːt] : 「追い求めること、追求」
The Son of God extends his hand to reach his brother, and to help him walk along the road with him.
- extend [iksténd] : 「延ばす、広げる」
- along [əlɔ́ːŋ] : 「〜に沿って、〜に従って」
Now is the body holy. Now it serves to heal the mind that it was made to kill.
- heal [híːl] : 「癒やす、救う」
5. You will identify with what you think will make you safe. Whatever it may be, you will believe that it is one with you.
- identify [aidéntəfài] : 「〜を同一視する、同定する」
Your safety lies in truth, and not in lies. Love is your safety. Fear does not exist. Identify with love, and you are safe. Identify with love, and you are home. Identify with love, and find your Self.
- lie [lái] : 「ある、存在する」
- lie [lái] : 「嘘、虚言」
- exist [iɡzíst] : 「存在する、生存する」