Lesson 116
Review of Lessons 101 - 102
For morning and evening review(朝と晩のための復習):
1. God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
- will [wíl] : 「意志、意欲、願望」
- perfect [pə́ːrfikt] : 「申し分がない、完全な、完璧な」
- happiness [hǽpinis] : 「幸福、喜び、幸せ」
God's Will is perfect happiness for me.
And I can suffer but from the belief there is
another will apart from His.
- suffer [sʌ́fər] : 「苦しむ、苦痛を感じる、不快な経験をする」
- belief [bilíːf] : 「信じること、信念、信仰、信条、信用」
- another [ənʌ́ðər] : 「もう一つの、別の、ほかの」
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
2. I share God's Will for happiness for me.
- share [ʃέər] : 「分かち合う、共有する」
I share my Father's Will for me, His Son.
What He has given me is all I want.
What He has given me is all there is.
- given [ɡívən] : 「giveの過去分詞形」
3. On the hour(1時間毎に):
God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
❖ "God's Will for ~ "「私のためを思う神の意志は、完璧な幸せである」。
On the half hour(30分経ったら):
I share God's Will for happiness for me.
❖ "I share God's ~ "「私は、私の幸せを願う神の意志を分かち合う」。