Lesson 155
I will step back and let Him lead the way.
- step back : 「後に下がる、後退する」
- lead [líːd] : 「案内する、導く」
1. There is a way of living in the world that is not here, although it seems to be.
- way [wéi] : 「方法、やり方、様式」
- although [ɔːlðóu] : 「〜ではあるが」
You do not change appearance, though you smile more frequently. Your forehead is serene; your eyes are quiet.
- appearance [əpíərəns] : 「外観、外見、見掛け」
- smile [smáil] : 「ほほ笑み、笑顔」
- frequently [fríːkwəntli] : 「頻繁に、たびたび」
- forehead [fɔ́ːrhèd] : 「額、前額部」
- serene [səríːn] : 「静かな、穏やかな」
- quiet [kwáiət] : 「静かな、平穏な、穏やかな」
And the ones who walk the world as you do recognize their own.
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、認める」
Yet those who have not yet perceived the way will recognize you also, and believe that you are like them, as you were before.
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く、〜を見抜く」
2. The world is an illusion. Those who choose to come to it are seeking for a place where they can be illusions, and avoid their own reality.
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- avoid [əvɔ́id] : 「避ける、回避する、逃れる」
Yet when they find their own reality is even here, then they step back and let it lead the way.
- find [fáind] : 「発見する、見いだす、気付く」
What other choice is really theirs to make? To let illusions walk ahead of truth is madness.
- choice [tʃɔ́is] : 「選ぶこと、選択」
- ahead [əhéd] : 「前方に、前途に」
- madness [mǽdnis] : 「狂気、熱狂」
But to let illusion sink behind the truth and let the truth stand forth as what it is, is merely sanity.
- sink [síŋk] : 「沈む、沈没する」
- behind [biháind] : 「〜の後ろに、後方に」
- forth [fɔ́ːrθ] : 「前へ、先へ、前方へ」
- merely [míərli] : 「ただ単に、単に」
- sanity [sǽnəti] : 「正気、健全さ」
3. This is the simple choice we make today. The mad illusion will remain awhile in evidence, for those to look upon who chose to come, and have not yet rejoiced to find they were mistaken in their choice.
- simple [símpl] : 「簡素な、易しい」
- remain [riméin] : 「とどまる、残る、残存する」
- awhile [əhwáil] : 「しばらくの間」
- evidence [évədəns] : 「証拠、痕跡」
- in evidence : 「はっきり見えて」
- those to do : 「〜する人々」
- rejoice [ridʒɔ́is] : 「うれしがる、喜ぶ」
They cannot learn directly from the truth, because they have denied that it is so.
- directly [diréktli] : 「直接に、真っすぐに」
- deny [dinái] : 「否定する、認めない、信じない」
And so they need a Teacher Who perceives their madness, but Who still can look beyond illusion to the simple truth in them.
- perceive [pərsíːv] : 「知覚する、〜を見抜く」
- beyond [bijάnd] : 「〜の向こうに、〜を越えて」
4. If truth demanded they give up the world, it would appear to them as if it asked the sacrifice of something that is real.
- demand [dimǽnd] : 「求める、要求する」
- give up : 「あきらめる、断念する」
- appear [əpíərəns] : 「〜のように見える」
- sacrifice [sǽkrəfàis] : 「犠牲、犠牲にすること」
Many have chosen to renounce the world while still believing its reality.
- chosen [tʃóuzn] : 「chooseの過去分詞形」
- renounce [rináuns] : 「放棄する、断念する」
And they have suffered from a sense of loss, and have not been released accordingly.
- suffer [sʌ́fər] : 「苦しむ、苦痛を感じる」
- sense [séns] : 「感覚、感触、感じ」
- loss [lɔ́s] : 「失うこと、喪失」
- releas [rilíːs] : 「 〜を解放する、自由にする」
- accordingly [əkɔ́ːrdiŋli] : 「それに応じて、それゆえ」
Others have chosen nothing but the world, and they have suffered from a sense of loss still deeper, which they did not understand.
- deep [díːp] : 「深い、深さがある」
5. Between these paths there is another road that leads away from loss of every kind, for sacrifice and deprivation both are quickly left behind.
- path [pǽθ] : 「道筋、方向、生き方」
- away from : 「〜から離れて」
- deprivation [dèprəvéiʃən] : 「剥奪、奪うこと、喪失」
- quickly [kwíkli] : 「速く、すぐに」
- left [léft] : 「leaveの過去・過去分詞形」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜を残す、ある状態のままにしておく」
- behind [biháind] : 「〜の後ろに、後方に」
This is the way appointed for you now. You walk this path as others walk, nor do you seem to be distinct from them, although you are indeed.
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
- distinct [distíŋkt] : 「はっきりと区別できる」
- indeed [indíːd] : 「実に、本当に、確かに」
Thus can you serve them while you serve yourself, and set their footsteps on the way that God has opened up to you, and them through you.
- serve [sə́ːrv] : 「〜に役立つ、〜に仕える」
- footstep [fútstèp] : 「足跡、歩み」
- open up : 「打ち明ける」
6. Illusion still appears to cling to you, that you may reach them. Yet it has stepped back.
- cling [klíŋ] : 「しがみつく、くっついて離れない」
- step back : 「後ずさりする、後退する」
And it is not illusion that they hear you speak of, nor illusion that you bring their eyes to look on and their minds to grasp.
- speak of : 「〜を口にする、〜のことを話す」
- look on : 「〜を見る」
- grasp [ɡrǽsp] : 「〜を握る、把握する、理解する」
Nor can the truth, which walks ahead of you, speak to them through illusions, for the road leads past illusion now, while on the way you call to them, that they may follow you.
- ahead [əhéd] : 「前方に、前途に」
- on the way : 「途中で」
- call to : 「〜に声をかける」
- follow [fάlou] : 「〜の後について行く、〜に従う」
7. All roads will lead to this one in the end. For sacrifice and deprivation are paths that lead nowhere, choices for defeat, and aims that will remain impossible.
- in the end : 「結局、ついに」
- path [pǽθ] : 「小道、道筋、方向」
- choice [tʃɔ́is] : 「選ぶこと、選択」
- defeat [difíːt] : 「敗北、挫折」
- aim [éim] : 「目標、目的」
- remain [riméin] : 「依然として〜のままである」
- impossible [impάsəbl] : 「不可能な、あり得ない」
All this steps back as truth comes forth in you, to lead your brothers from the ways of death, and set them on the way to happiness.
- forth [fɔ́ːrθ] : 「前へ、先へ、前方へ」
- come forth : 「現れる、出てくる」
Their suffering is but illusion. Yet they need a guide to lead them out of it, for they mistake illusion for the truth.
- suffering [sʌ́fəriŋ] : 「苦しむこと、苦しみ」
- mistake A for B : 「AをBと間違える」
8. Such is salvation's call, and nothing more. It asks that you accept the truth, and let it go before you, lighting up the path of ransom from illusion.
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
- let go : 「放す、手放す、解放する、捨てる」
- let it go : 「あきらめる」
- ransom [rǽnsəm] : 「身代金、受け戻し、身請け、解放」
It is not a ransom with a price. There is no cost, but only gain. Illusion can but seem to hold in chains the holy Son of God.
- cost [kɔ́st] : 「費用、経費、原価」
- gain [géin] : 「利益、得ること、獲得」
It is but from illusions he is saved. As they step back, he finds himself again.
- save [séiv] : 「救う、助ける」
9. Walk safely now, yet carefully, because this path is new to you.
- safely [séifli] : 「安全に、支障なく、無事に」
- carefully [kέərfəli] : 「注意深く、丁寧に、慎重に」
And you may find that you are tempted still to walk ahead of truth, and let illusions be your guide.
- tempt [témpt] : 「〜を誘惑する、〜を唆す」
- ahead [əhéd] : 「前方に、前途に」
Your holy brothers have been given you, to follow in your footsteps as you walk with certainty of purpose to the truth.
- follow [fάlou] : 「〜の後について行く、〜に追随する」
- footstep [fútstèp] : 「足跡、歩み」
- certainty [sə́ːrtnti] : 「確実、確実性、間違いないこと」
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
It goes before you now, that they may see something with which they can identify; something they understand to lead the way.
- identify [aidéntəfài] : 「〜を同一視する、同定する」
10. Yet at the journey's ending there will be no gap, no distance between truth and you.
- journey [dʒə́ːrni] : 「旅、旅行」
- gap [ɡǽp] : 「すき間、隔たり」
- distance [dístəns] : 「距離、間隔、隔たり」
And all illusions walking in the way you travelled will be gone from you as well, with nothing left to keep the truth apart from God's completion, holy as Himself.
- travel [trǽvəl] : 「進む、旅する」
- as well : 「同じに、その上」
- left [léft] : 「leaveの過去・過去分詞形」
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
- completion [kəmplíːʃən] : 「完成、完了、完全さ」
Step back in faith and let truth lead the way. You know not where you go. But One Who knows goes with you. Let Him lead you with the rest.
- in faith : 「本当に、疑いもなく、実に」
- rest [rést] : 「残り、残りの部分、残余」
11. When dreams are over, time has closed the door on all the things that pass and miracles are purposeless, the holy Son of God will make no journeys.
- pass [pǽs] : 「通り過ぎる、通過する」
- purposeless [pə́ːrpəslis] : 「目的のない、無益な」
There will be no wish to be illusion rather than the truth. And we step forth toward this, as we progress along the way that truth points out to us. This is our final journey, which we make for everyone.
- wish [wíʃ] : 「願い、願望、希望」
- forth [fɔ́ːrθ] : 「前へ、先へ、前方へ」
- toward [təwɔ́ːd] : 「〜の方へ、〜に向かって」
- progress [prάɡres] : 「進む、前進する」
- point out : 「〜を指摘する、指し示す」
- final [fáinl] : 「最後の、最終の、確定的な」
We must not lose our way. For as truth goes before us, so it goes before our brothers who will follow us.
- lose one's way : 「道に迷う、迷子になる」
12. We walk to God. Pause and reflect on this. Could any way be holier, or more deserving of your effort, of your love and of your full intent?
- pause [pɔ́ːz] : 「休止する、一息つく」
- reflect [riflékt] on : 「〜を熟考する、思案する」
- deserving [dizə́ːrviŋ] : 「〜に値する」
- deserving of : 「〜を受けるべき、〜に値する」
- effort [éfərt] : 「尽力、努力、取り組み」
- intent [intént] : 「意図、意志」
What way could give you more than everything, or offer less and still content the holy Son of God?
- offer [ɔ́fər] : 「差し出す、〜を提供する」
- content [kάntent] : 「〜を満足させる」
We walk to God. The truth that walks before us now is one with Him, and leads us to where He has always been. What way but this could be a path that you would choose instead?
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- instead [instéd] : 「代わりに、それよりむしろ」
13. Your feet are safely set upon the road that leads the world to God. Look not to ways that seem to lead you elsewhere.
- safely [séifli] : 「安全に、支障なく、無事に」
- set upon : 「進む、促進する」
- look to : 「〜に目をやる、〜に目を向ける」
- elsewhere [élshəwὲər] : 「ほかの場所に、ほかのどこかで」
Dreams are not a worthy guide for you who are God's Son.
- worthy [wə́ːrði] : 「尊敬すべき、価値ある」
Forget not He has placed His Hand in yours, and given you your brothers in His trust that you are worthy of His trust in you. He cannot be deceived.
- forget [fərɡét] : 「〜を忘れる、〜を思い出せない」
- trust [trʌ́st] : 「信頼、信用」
- worthy [wə́ːrði] of : 「〜にふさわしい」
- deceive [disíːv] : 「欺く、惑わす、裏切る」
His trust has made your pathway certain and your goal secure. You will not fail your brothers nor your Self.
- pathway [pǽθwèi] : 「小道、進路」
- certain [sə́ːrtn] : 「確実な、確かな、信頼できる」
- secure [sikjúər] : 「不安のない、安全な、しっかりした」
- fail [féil] : 「〜を裏切る、〜を失望させる」
14. And now He asks but that you think of Him a while each day, that He may speak to you and tell you of His Love, reminding you how great His trust; how limitless His Love.
- a while [hwáil] : 「しばらくの間、ちょっとの間」
- remind [rimáind] : 「〜に思い出させる、〜に気付かせる」
- limitless [límitlis] : 「制限のない、無限の」
In your Name and His Own, which are the same, we practice gladly with this thought today:
I will step back and let Him lead the way,
For I would walk along the road to Him.
- practice [prǽktis] : 「練習する、実践する、実施する」
- gladly [ɡlǽd] : 「喜んで、喜々として」
- thought [θɔ́ːt] : 「思い、考え、思考」
- walk along : 「歩く」
"I will step ~ "「私は一歩下がって、ホーリー・スピリットに道案内をしてもらおう」。"For I would ~ "「なぜなら、私は神への道を歩んで行きたいからだ」。