Lesson 154
I am among the ministers of God.
- among [əmʌ́ŋ] : 「〜の中の、〜の間で」
- minister [mínəstər] : 「聖職者、僕、代理人」
1. Let us today be neither arrogant nor falsely humble. We have gone beyond such foolishness.
- neither [níːðər] A nor B : 「AでもなくBでもない」
- arrogant [ǽrəɡənt] : 「尊大な、傲慢な」
- falsely [fɔ́ːlsli] : 「偽って、不誠実に、不当に」
- humble [hʌ́mbl] : 「謙虚な、謙遜する」
- foolishness [fúːliʃnis] : 「愚かさ」
We cannot judge ourselves, nor need we do so. These are but attempts to hold decision off, and to delay commitment to our function.
- judge [dʒʌ́dʒ] : 「判断する、〜だと思う」
- attempt [ətémpt] : 「試み、企て」
- hold off : 「寄せ付けない、遅らせる」
- decision [disíʒən] : 「決定、決断、決心」
- delay [diléi] : 「遅れる、〜を遅らせる」
- commitment [kəmítmənt] : 「約束、義務、献身」
- function [fʌ́ŋkʃən] : 「機能、働き、職務、役割」
It is not our part to judge our worth, nor can we know what role is best for us; what we can do within a larger plan we cannot see in its entirety.
- part [pάːrt] : 「役割、責任、義務」
- worth [wə́ːrθ] : 「価値」
- role [róul] : 「役、役割、役目、任務」
- within [wiðín] : 「〜の中に、〜の内側に」
- entirety [intáiərti] : 「全体、全部」
- in its entirety : 「全体として、そっくりそのまま」
Our part is cast in Heaven, not in hell. And what we think is weakness can be strength; what we believe to be our strength is often arrogance.
- cast [kǽst] : 「〜に役を与える、割り当てる」
- hell [hél] : 「地獄、生き地獄、修羅場」
- weakness [wíːknis] : 「弱さ、虚弱、脆弱性」
- strength [stréŋkθ] : 「力、強さ、体力」
- arrogance [ǽrəɡəns] : 「尊大、横柄、傲慢」
2. Whatever your appointed role may be, it was selected by the Voice for God, Whose function is to speak for you as well.
- whatever [hwʌtévər] : 「どんな〜が〜でも」
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
- select [səlékt] : 「〜を選択する、〜を選ぶ」
- as well : 「同じに、同様にうまく、おまけに、その上」
Seeing your strengths exactly as they are, and equally aware of where they can be best applied, for what, to whom and when, He chooses and accepts your part for you.
- exactly [iɡzǽktli] : 「正確に、厳密に」
- equally [íːkwəli] : 「同じように、同様に」
- aware [əwέər] : 「気付いている、気が付いて」
- apply [əplái] : 「適用する、応用する、当てはめる」
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- accept [əksépt]: 「受け入れる、承認する」
He does not work without your own consent. But He is not deceived in what you are, and listens only to His Voice in you.
- consent [kənsént] : 「承諾、承認、同意」
- deceive [disíːv] : 「欺く、惑わす、だます」
3. It is through His ability to hear one Voice which is His Own that you become aware at last there is one Voice in you.
- ability [əbíləti] : 「能力、才能、できること」
- aware [əwέər] : 「気が付いて」
- at last : 「最後に、ついに」
And that one Voice appoints your function, and relays it to you, giving you the strength to understand it, do what it entails, and to succeed in everything you do that is related to it.
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
- relay [riléi] : 「〜を中継する」
- entail [entéil] : 「〜を伴う、引き起こす」
- succeed [səksíːd] : 「成功する」
- be related to : 「〜に関連している」
God has joined His Son in this, and thus His Son becomes His messenger of unity with Him.
- join [dʒɔ́in] : 「結び付ける、結合する」
- messenger [mésəndʒər] : 「使者、メッセンジャー」
- unity [júːnəti] : 「単一性、一つである状態、調和」
4. It is this joining, through the Voice for God, of Father and of Son, that sets apart salvation from the world.
- set apart : 「分離する、際立たせる」
- salvation [sælvéiʃən] : 「救出、救済、救い」
It is this Voice which speaks of laws the world does not obey; which promises salvation from all sin, with guilt abolished in the mind that God created sinless.
- obey [oubéi] : 「〜に従う、〜の言うことに従う」
- promise [prάmis] : 「〜を約束する」
- guilt [ɡílt] : 「犯罪、あやまち、有罪、罪」
- abolish [əbɑ́li] : 「〜を廃止する、撤廃する」
- sinless [sínlis] : 「罪のない、潔白な」
Now this mind becomes aware again of Who created it, and of His lasting union with itself. So is its Self the one reality in which its will and that of God are joined.
- aware [əwέər] : 「気付いている、気が付いて」
- lasting [lǽstiŋ] : 「長続きする、持続的な」
- union [júːnjən] : 「結合、結ばれること」
5. A messenger is not the one who writes the message he delivers.
- deliver [dilívər] : 「配達する、伝える」
Nor does he question the right of him who does, nor ask why he has chosen those who will receive the message that he brings.
- chosen [tʃóuzn] : 「chooseの過去分詞形」
- receive [risíːv] : 「受け取る、聞く、知る」
It is enough that he accept it, give it to the ones for whom it is intended, and fulfill his role in its delivery.
- enough [inʌ́f] : 「十分な、足りる」
- intend [inténd] : 「〜するつもりである、〜を意図する」
- fulfill [fulfíl] : 「〜を実行する、〜を果たす」
- delivery [dilívəri] : 「配達、引き渡し」
If he determines what the messages should be, or what their purpose is, or where they should be carried, he is failing to perform his proper part as bringer of the Word.
- determine [ditə́ːrmin] : 「決定する、決心させる」
- purpose [pə́ːrpəs] : 「目的、目標」
- carry [kǽri] : 「〜を持ち運ぶ」
- fail [féil] : 「失敗する、しくじる」
- perform [pərfɔ́ːrm] : 「〜を行う、実行する」
- proper [prάpər] : 「適した、適切な」
- bringer [bríŋər] : 「持って来る人、もたらす人」
6. There is one major difference in the role of Heaven's messengers, which sets them off from those the world appoints.
- major [méidʒər] : 「主要な、重要な」
- difference [dífərəns] : 「相違、相違点、区別」
- set off : 「際立たせる、目立たせる」
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
The messages that they deliver are intended first for them.
- deliver [dilívər] : 「配達する」
- intend A for B : 「AをBに提供するよう意図する」
And it is only as they can accept them for themselves that they become able to bring them further, and to give them everywhere that they were meant to be.
- accept [əksépt]: 「受け入れる、承認する」
- be able to : 「〜することができる」
- further [fə́ːrðər] : 「さらにまた、さらになお」
- be meant to do : 「〜するように意図されている」
Like earthly messengers, they did not write the messages they bear, but they become their first receivers in the truest sense, receiving to prepare themselves to give.
- earthly [ə́ːrθli] : 「地上の、この世の」
- bear [bέər] : 「負う、持つ」
- receiver [risíːvər] : 「受取人、受信者」
- sense [séns] : 「感覚、感触、感じ」
- prepare [pripέər] : 「〜を準備する、用意する」
7. An earthly messenger fulfills his role by giving all his messages away.
- fulfill [fulfíl] : 「〜を実行する、〜を果たす」
- give away : 「引き渡す、引き渡す」
The messengers of God perform their part by their acceptance of His messages as for themselves, and show they understand the messages by giving them away.
- perform [pərfɔ́ːrm] : 「〜を行う、実行する」
- part [pάːrt] : 「役割、責任、義務」
- acceptance [əkséptəns] : 「受け入れること、受諾」
- give away : 「引き渡す、引き渡す」
They choose no roles that are not given them by His authority. And so they gain by every message that they give away.
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
- authority [əθɔ́ːrəti] : 「権力、権限、権力者」
- gain [ɡéin] : 「得る、獲得する」
8. Would you receive the messages of God? For thus do you become His messenger. You are appointed now.
- receive [risíːv] : 「受け取る、聞く、知る」
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
And yet you wait to give the messages you have received. And so you do not know that they are yours, and do not recognize them.
- wait [wéit] : 「待つ」
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、受け入れる」
No one can receive and understand he has received until he gives. For in the giving is his own acceptance of what he received.
- until [əntíl] : 「〜する時まで」
9. You who are now the messenger of God, receive His messages. For that is part of your appointed role.
- appoint [əpɔ́int] : 「決める、指定する、定める」
God has not failed to offer what you need, nor has it been left unaccepted.
- fail [féil] : 「失敗する、しくじる」
- offer [ɔ́fər] : 「差し出す、捧げる、〜を提供する」
- left [léft] : 「leaveの過去・過去分詞形」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜を残す、ある状態のままにしておく」
- unaccept [ʌ̀næksépt] : 「受け入れない、認めない」
Yet another part of your appointed task is yet to be accomplished.
- another [ənʌ́ðər] : 「もう一つの、別の、ほかの」
- task [tǽsk] : 「仕事、職務、役割」
- accomplish [əkɑ́mpliʃ] : 「成し遂げる、果たす、成就する」
He Who has received for you the messages of God would have them be received by you as well. For thus do you identify with Him and claim your own.
- as well : 「同じに、その上」
- identify [aidéntəfài] : 「〜を同一視する、同定する」
- claim [kléim] : 「主張する、言い張る、要求する」
10. It is this joining that we undertake to recognize today. We will not seek to keep our minds apart from Him Who speaks for us, for it is but our voice we hear as we attend Him.
- join [dʒɔ́in] : 「結び付ける、結合する」
- undertake [ʌ̀ndərtéik] : 「企てる、〜に着手する」
- seek [síːk] : 「探し求める、捜し出す」
- apart from : 「〜から離れて、〜は別として」
- attend [əténd] : 「参加する、注意を向ける」
He alone can speak to us and for us, joining in one Voice the getting and the giving of God's Word; the giving and receiving of His Will.
- will [wíl] : 「意志、意欲、願望」
11. We practice giving Him what He would have, that we may recognize His gifts to us.
- practice [prǽktis] : 「練習する、実践する、実施する」
He needs our voice that He may speak through us. He needs our hands to hold His messages, and carry them to those whom He appoints.
- through [θrúː] : 「〜の手を経て、手を通して」
He needs our feet to bring us where He wills, that those who wait in misery may be at last delivered.
- will [wíl] : 「〜を望む、意図する」
- misery [mízəri] : 「悲惨、不幸、惨めさ」
- deliver [dilívər] : 「配達する、解放する」
And He needs our will united with His Own, that we may be the true receivers of the gifts He gives.
- will [wíl] : 「意志、意欲、願望」
- unite [junáit] : 「一体化する、結合する」
12. Let us but learn this lesson for today: We will not recognize what we receive until we give it.
- learn [lə́ːrn] : 「学ぶ、知る、分かる」
- recognize [rékəɡnàiz] : 「〜を認識する、受け入れる」
You have heard this said a hundred ways, a hundred times, and yet belief is lacking still.
- heard [hə́ːrd] : 「hearの過去・過去分詞形」
- hundred [hʌ́ndrəd] : 「100の、100個の」
- belief [bilíːf] : 「信じること、信用、信頼」
- lacking [lǽkiŋ] : 「欠けている、足りない」
But this is sure; until belief is given it, you will receive a thousand miracles and then receive a thousand more, but will not know that God Himself has left no gift beyond what you already have; nor has denied the tiniest of blessings to His Son.
- sure [ʃúər] : 「確かな、確実な」
- thousand [θáuzənd] : 「1000の、1000個の」
- left [léft] : 「leaveの過去・過去分詞形」
- leave [líːv] : 「〜を残す」
- beyond [bijάnd] : 「〜を越えて、〜を過ぎて」
- deny [dinái] : 「〜を否定する、拒む、拒絶する」
- deny [dinái] A B : 「A に B を与えない 」
- tiny [táini] : 「とても小さい、ちっぽけな」
- blessing [blésiŋ] : 「祝福、恩恵、幸運」
What can this mean to you, until you have identified with Him and with His Own?
- mean [míːn] : 「〜を意味する、…とは〜を指す」
- identify [aidéntəfài] : 「〜を同一視する、同定する」
- identify with : 「〜と同一であるとする、〜と一体感を持つ」
13. Our lesson for today is stated thus:
I am among the ministers of God,
and I am grateful that I have the means
by which to recognize that I am free.
- state [stéit] : 「述べる、はっきり言う」
- grateful [ɡréitfəl] : 「感謝する、感謝している」
- means [míːnz] : 「手段、方法」
14. The world recedes as we light up our minds, and realize these holy words are true. They are the message sent to us today from our Creator.
- recede [risíːd] : 「退く、弱まる」
- realize [ríːəlàiz] : 「〜に気が付く、悟る」
- sent [sént] : 「sendの過去・過去分詞形」
- creator [kriéitər] : 「創造者、創作者、創設者」
Now we demonstrate how they have changed our minds about ourselves, and what our function is.
- demonstrate [démənstrèit] : 「実証する、実演する」
- function [fʌ́ŋkʃən] : 「機能、作用、働き、効用、職務、役割」
For as we prove that we accept no will we do not share, our many gifts from our Creator will spring to our sight and leap into our hands, and we will recognize what we received.
- prove [prúːv] : 「証明する」
- share in : 「〜を分かち合う、〜を共有する」
- spring [spríŋ] : 「跳ねる、跳ぶ」
- spring to : 「〜に向かって飛び付く」
- sight [sáit] : 「視野、視界、眺め」
- leap [líːp] : 「飛び跳ねる、跳ぶ」
- leap into : 「〜に飛び込む」